A corner of my lips curved up slightly as I replied.

                Sent:  Dream big.

                There was something entirely wrong when I woke up, and I couldn’t put my finger on it.  But it was so strange that there was no way I’d be able to fall asleep again if I tried, and I didn’t really want to.  I mostly just wanted to find out why the atmosphere felt so odd.

                I threw my comforter off of me, exposing my bare legs to what at first felt like extremely frigid air.  Jesus, Brady, cool it with the A/C.  However, I was used to it quickly.  I adjusted my spandex, as they’d ridden up throughout the night, and straightened the large T-shirt I wore to bed, cracking a few joints in the process.  Then I stepped into the living room.

                It was almost instantaneous that I discovered what was wrong.  It was too quiet.  Eerily quiet, like something was missing that I’d never realized was missing before.  And maybe I’m still a little disoriented and sleep drunk, but I was almost certain that I was very alone in Brady’s condo right now.

                I meandered towards the kitchen, listening carefully for the sound of other breaths being inhaled and exhaled, for another heartbeat, for another mumble or snore or sleepy whimper.  Nothing.  And as I approached the kitchen counter and the note waiting for me there, I found out why.


                Took Mom and Dad out for breakfast, and then we’re going to do some sightseeing and grab lunch after.  I don’t have much going on today until later, so I thought it’d be kind of nice.  Hope you don’t mind, I figured you’d want to just chill at home today.  See you later.


                He was right.  But part of me was still a little disappointed in a childish way.  I did want to chill at home today, but I wish I could spend some time with my parents and brother together, too.  I shook the slight longing off, though; I’d finally gotten what I’ve wanted for a while.

                Brady’s fridge was dangerously low on anything other than milk and orange juice, and I wasn’t in the mood for either.  Huffing, I began to search his cupboards.  It wasn’t long before I gave up.

                I returned to my room, annoyed, dragging my suitcases out from under the bed and throwing them open.  As much as I wanted to stay here all day sleeping or doing nothing, I knew I had to go get food and something to drink that I’ll like, or I’ll be aimlessly searching the kitchen all day without any luck, wasting my valuable free time.

                As I tugged a pair of leggings on, I noticed a little green light flashing on my phone.  I reached for it and unlocked my screen to read the message.  I’d gotten it two hours earlier, and for some reason never woke to it.

                Good morning!  Enjoy your day off, don’t miss me too much ;) –Harry

                Despite my mood, I raised a brow, smirking.

                Sent:  Morning.  And I doubt it’s possible, but I’ll try ;p

                Leaving my phone on my bed for a moment, I left my room to slip into my brother’s, cautiously opening his closet doors.  I did not, by any means, want to stumble upon something I’d regret stumbling upon, so I rummaged with care.  Shortly, I found exactly what I was looking for.  A large T-shirt, like the one I’d slept in, decorated on the front by a band’s logo and tour art.  I pulled it on and returned to my room, surprised to find that Harry had responded so quickly.

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