Chapter 1

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Authors note...

Hey ok so I know no one likes an authors note at the begging, but I'm doin' one!

Ok so I do not own any of the songs that are to be played in this book through out the chapters so please don't say I'm stealin' songs 'cuz I'm not so yeah... well this is not my first book and it won't be my last.

Angels Porv.

I shived as I opened the door to my house and walked out into the snow. It was December 5th my birthday but no one celebrates it anyways. I grunted as I pulled the hood up on my sweatshirt and walked further into the abyss of winter. (yes its winter and snowing and I'm wearing a sweatshirt).


I sighed knowing well it's going to be a another abusve day of pushing and shoving in the halls and It just before I opened my locker and hung my sweatshirt up on the locker door that the door to my locker slamed shut. "Move it loser". A guy from behind me said as I was shoved back against him. I cowered as I hit his body.

"P-please stop". I whisperd as he picked me up by the shoulders and pushed up against my locker.

"Now don't get in our way again". Both one of the two voices said. I closed my eyes and nodded weakly as jolts of pain shot up and down my spine. I listened as they walked away laughing and complementing each other on how there preformence was, following up on what they could change next time. My body shivered at the thought of next time and what they would do, seeing on how it gets worse day after day. Why can't they just leave me alone was on of the questions running threw my head and all of them seemed to come to one awnser. Be cause your ugly. Once I had finaly got my locker open I lifted the up the back of my black shirt up and say a big brusie on the back that seemed to only be getting bigger by the day. A sigh escaped my mouth as I let the shirt fall to my sides again.

I hummed "Stay with me" by Sam Smith as I grabed an apple just incase I get hungry because I didn't eat breakfast, well to be honest we didn't really have any thing to eat at home so I sneak apples from lunch into my locker so I have some thing to eat the next morning even though it's not very filling it's better than nothing. I looked up as the bell for first period rang. Why did I have to have the locker under the only bell in this hall, coincidence I think not. Knowing I had free period first I didn't have to worry about for two more hours so I headed to the auditorium. I go here everyday and use it so I can play my violin and work on some homework I didn't finish the night before. My steps scilent on the marbled floor as I made my way towards the autitorim. I grunted as I pushed the heavy metal doors open and walked in checking, making sure I was alone. I smiled once I was sure I was, giggling like a little girl I reached under one of the seats and pulled my violin and bow out from under it and continues the rest of the way down. I hoped up on to stage for there were no steps and started playing "Phantom of the opera". It was the most exstrodanary play/movie I have ever seen with the drama, the romance I like that kinda stuff. I smiled as I finished, but it faded quickly as I heard some one cough from the left corner of the top row.

"You are really good". I sighed in relife when I reconised the voice of my music teacher, Mr.Panuli.

I watched as he walked down the steps towards where the front and center of the stage was. "Mr.Panuli why are you here". I asked sitting down on the edge of the stage and let my feet dangle off the edge, I couldn't reach the floor, maybe four more inches and I would be able to but not right now atleast.

He smiled and patted my leg. He had always been the father I've needed all my years, and he knows every thing exculding the part where I get picked on in the hall ways. "They changed my schedule so this is my free period" I smiled even wider.

"How did you know I come here" I tilted my head like a little puppy making my hair fall over my left eye. He laughed pulling it back into a pony.

"I didn't I just came as you started playing". I watched as he jumped up onto the ledge with me and put his arm around me and gave me a little squeez and let go. "So Angel how have your other classed been going".

I looked down and back up to look at his face. "Umm good I'm passing all of them except for gym... But you know how that is dogeballs and bats arn't really my thing". I looked back down and fixed the tongue of my red and white convers and looked back up at his face.

"Angel you know how I feel about your grades you need to keep them up or you'll never pass the 9th grade". I jumped off of the ledge and turned back towards Mr.Panuli.

"I know it's just I'm not that good when everybody aims for me". My frustration was flowing as I pointed at my self. "You know Mr.Panuli it's not easy being the kid that is picked on and ignored in highschool..." I fell to my knees balling.

"Angle why didn't you tell me this". I sobed as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"I just wish someone would care for me.." I said once I had calmed down a bit. Mr.Panuli's face dropped.

"Oh Angel, I care about you".

"No not fatherly care about me... like relashionship care about me". I felt his hand drop and heard his pants rub as he stood up. I looked up slowly and watched as he held his hand out to me. I slowly took it and rose to my feet. I let go of his hand and grabed my violin. "I have to go... the bell is going to ring soon... see you in Band Mr.Panuli" I sniffed ans wiped my nose for it was runny. It wasn't until I got out that I didn't feel his eyes on me. I walked to my locker sniffling the whole way there.


YAYYY!!! first chapter so tell me what you guys think in da comments..... oh and dounght forget to comment and Vote LUV YALL BYEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*cover was created by @Breaona1999 thanks again for thr wonderful cover :) *

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