The Sewers

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My eyes slowly opened. Everything in my body hurt, my back felt stiff, my head pounded, my neck throbbed. Groaning, I sat up, noticing that I was laying on concete. Looking around, the first thing I noticed was the huge pile of toys and items, following them upwards my eyes widened as they landed on a bunch off floating children, flowing in a circle. My heart pounded faster and ffaster.

I could feel the adrenaline start pumping throughout my body. Was I in the sewers? It stinks here, of greywater. There were open tunnels all around me, making me unsure of which lead me back home. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I'm gonna die here, slowly and painfully, I know it! I knew I was going to break down any moment now, and break down I did.

I fell down onto my knees and held my head in my hands, sobbing in fear and sadness. I was crying so loud I didn't hear the footsteps walking up behind me, until I was grabbed from behind. I shrieked, and noticed that Pennywise had pulled me into his lap, and was rocking back and forth with me, shushing me.

"Shhh...Shhh.." He sothed. Why is he trying to calm me down, he's the one that bit me and kidnapped me! Even with that thought, I didn't try and pull away, weirdly enough I felt kind of comfortable here. My sobs quieted and turned into hiccups. "There we go," Pennywise's voicewas quieter than usual.

"Why-Why did you bring me here? If you're going to kill me, please do it now... Please..!" I cried, catching Pennywise by surprise. He recoiled a bit, and looked away for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"I'm not going to kill you Y/n," he said. "As for why I brought you here, I'm not so sure. I wanted to eat you, but you seem different than everyone else."

"Why am I different?! I'm just a nobody! People hate me and they would actually be happy if they knew I was dead!"

"Don't SAy tHAT!!" Pennywise yelled his voice cracking, making me flinch/ He held me tighter. "You are not a nobody, and I don't hate you."

"Than why did you bite me?" I asked, staring at him with glassy eyes. His eyes were a calm blue, not the peircing orange or the glowing blue, just blue. Making him look almost...human. He let out a sad chuckle.

"I lost control." Was all he said before he put me back on the floor, and he stood up. Towering over me, he gave me a smile. "I've got to go, but I'll be back. DON'T LEAVE." He growled. Man his mood can change drastically. Then he dissapeared. What will he do to me if I try and leave? I decided not to find out, so I just stood up and walked in circles around the pile of toys to distract myself. Until I realized that I still had my phone on me, I gasped and pulled it out of my pocket, to see there was no service down here, however I could still play a game. I chose to sit down in the corner and play it. It was minecraft, pocket addition. (Don't judge me, it's the only game I could think of.)

An hour or two past by and I heard Pennywise return. 

"Y/n where did you go? YOU DIDN'T LEAVE DID YOU?!" He screamed.

"No! I'm over here!" I yelled back, I watched as he walked around the pile and stared at me sitting in the corner, seeming happy that I didn't try and leave. Then hesaw my phone and his face dropped into a scowl. He grabbed my phone. 

"Were you trying to call for help?" He asked, my eyes widened and I began to shake.

"N-no! I was just playing a game while I waited for you to come back. I'm sorry..." I said, Penny raised an eyebrow and stared at the screen, then sat next to me.

"Oh, what is it?" He asked.

"It's minecraft, just a survivle game. I'n the day you have to gather supplies, however at night, monsters come out and try and kill you and you have to kill them before they can," I explained. "Would you like to try? I can make a new world for you."

"Sure! He smiled, bouncing up and down. I couldn't help but giggle at how excited he was. I mean he was stuck in the sewer for god knows how long, I don't think he's ever played a video game before. I took my phone back and got a new world ready for him, and then gave it back, giving him advice. However his gloves were stoppping him from being able to tap the screen. I reached for his hand but I quickly drew it baack when he snapped an angry glare at me. "What are you doing?!"

"Your gloves...They are preventing you from tapping anything. May I remove them?" I asked, as nice as I could. Pennywise stared at his gloves curious. He nodded and I reached fro them again, making surehe wasn't going to tear my hand off, seeing as he wasn't, I pulled off both his gloves and he tapped the screen again, successfully this time.

I watched him play it for a few hours and then he got bored and gave me my phone back. Without saying anything he stood up and walked around his toy pile. I followed him, wanting to ask if he enjoyed the game, but I was silenced as he made his way over to something that made me gag and want tp puke. 

It was a child, covered in their own blood, dead. I watched in horror as Pennywise sat down in front of it and started biting into it. I wanted to cry, he bit through the bone the sound of it crunching in his teeth made me shiver. He caught me staring and he waved with the kids severed arm, smiling. I took a few steps backwards, but I couldn't take my eyes off the dead kid. His poor parents must be devistated. He caught my expression and he looked down at his "food" and stood up, dragging it into one of the tunnels. Leaving me alone and scared once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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