The Well House

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   Okay I knew this house was going to be old but jesus. The damned building looks like it could crumble into peices any minute now. Me and Christa stared up at it for what felt like forever, until Christa dragged me towards it. My heart was pounding against my chest and I felt sick. Something bad is going to happen here, and yet I'm just letting this stranger drag me into a supposed crackhouse. 

   I let out a defeated sigh and we walked inside. Oh god, the inside is just as bad as the outside, if not worse. Parts of the floor had given out and fell down into what I assumed was the basement. I turned to Christa who seemed just as uncomfortable as I was. 

"So uh, what now? Where should we look?"

"I don't know...Just follow me I guess." She walked into a long hallway and at the end were three doors, each one was labled with a red substance, that I hoped wasn't blood. The first said, Not scary at all, the second was, scary, and the third was, very scary. "Which one should we check?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Well, in horror movies, people always chose the obvious one, so let's open, very scary," I said. Christa nodded and I cautiouslly opened it, stepping into an empty room. I chuckled. "What did we even expect to see?" 

"Lets check the other two doors," Christa said, walking back. I followed. The other two were also empty rooms. 

    Okay there's nothing even in here. It's completly empty, besides a well we found in the basement, however, it was too deep for us to enter it, so we made our way back to the entrance. Christa's head hung low. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I should be thanking you for helping me search," she gave me a weak smile, and I returned with one. She stepped outside first, and I went to follow, but the door slammed shut in my face. "Y/N!?" I heard Christa yell from outside. I inhaed and pulled on the doorknob, however it was jammed shut. I banged on it. 

"CHRISTA I CAN'T OPEN IT!" I screamed, but I was silenced as I heard a light chuckle from behind me, my heart stopped and I didn't want to turn around because if I were to turn around it will kill me, however I couldn't stay like this. I slowly turned around to be face to face with the all too familiar clown I had met last night. He had a wide smile, which grew when I scrambled away from him, tears streaming down my face. "What do you want from me?!" I cried, Pennywise giggled.

"We've all gotta eat right?" He said, taking slow steps towards me, I pressed my back against the wall, curled up in a ball.

"Wai- Y-you eat people?!" I cried.

"Children to be more specific, dearie, hehehe." 

"Wha-You-You MONSTER!" I screamed, throwing a nearby object at him, which happened to be a lamp. It shattered against his head. Shit! I shouldn't have done that... His expression darkened and he growled menicingly. He lunged at me and pinned me against the wall, his face dangerously close to mine. I turned my head away from him, crying. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have hit you! Please! Please forgive me!" However he didn't stop, this only made him angrier. His face began to shift and rows and rows of sharp teeth were revealed, I tried to scream but I was silenced by his hand being roughly pressed against my mouth, muffling me as he bit into my shoulder. I whimpered in pain as I could feel the blood leaving my body. My head began to spin and everything went black, my final thought being,

Where the hell was Christa?

(Fear and Love) Pennywise x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now