Moving into Derry

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     This story is dark, depressing, vulger, and a whole lot more. So don't say I didn't warn you.

    The car came to a stop as we all exited it and took a deep breath. Breathing in that freshish air. We stood in front of a two story house, it looked pretty run down but I guess this had to do. I can get used to it. 

    I was the first to enter the building, my curiousity getting the best of me as I went to pick out my bedroom. I chose one that I figured would have to do. It was a basic room, with a twin size bed at the far wall, with a sliding closet door, I opened it to find it was wide but only two feet deep. The walls were painted a baige color, giving it that antique vibe.

    I placed my bag onto my new bed and began to unpack. It didn't take that long since I didn't have many items with me. It mostly consisted of artist supplies. As I was organizing my bookshelf I heard the creak of a door opening, I turned around to find my closet door had opened, but nothing stood inside it. My room was completly empty. Huh, this house must be older than I thought. I brushed it off and closed it. I threw on a red beanie and I left my room.

"I'm going out for a bit!" I yelled out at my dad, however the response I got was an uncaring grunt. Gee love you too dad. 

    The air wasn't at all cold but a small breeze. I walked down the road, noticing some kids outside pretending some branches were swords and were playfully fighting. I chuckled and made my way further down, spotting a small corner store up ahead. I entered.

   I looked around and I picked up a soda bottle, seeing as it was only a dollar fifty. I walked up to the cash register and the guy at the counter seemed to be staring not at my face but lower. I clenched my teeth and cleared my throat into a my fist. His eyes snapped up and he rang in my item and I threw him the money, walking out of the store, quickly. I shuddered. Geez, first person I meet is a fucking creep.

   I didn't exactly want to go back home at this moment so I just walked around mindlessly. I spotted a bunch of missing kids posters that were stapled on the telephone poles. That's a lot of missing children, who could be doing that?

    I decided to turn on my heels and walk back home. On my way back, somthing red caught my eye. I faced it and saw a tower of red balloons, in the shape of a triangle. Someone extremly tall stood behind it, someone in a strange outift. Suddenly one by one the balloons popped, revealing a 7ft tall clown, who smiled creeplily at me. My entire body froze as he stared at me with a forked smile. He raised his hand and waved slightly. FUCK THAT! I bolted for my home, slamming the door behind me, causing my dad to glare angrily at me.

"Don't slam the door!" He yelled. I uttered a quick apology and rushed to my room, shutting that door behind me as well. I took in frantic breaths. 

'What the hell was that?! Why was he dressed up as a fucking clown?!' I forced myself to calm down, taking deep breaths as I sat at my desk, drawing to ease my mind. I found myself drawing a cluster of red balloons. My breath hitched as I crumpled the peice and threw it away. 'I'll just watch a movie.'

    I decided to watch a marathon of Bob's Burgers, and I had watched it for four hours now, my empty soda bottle lay empty on the floor. My room was dark and my eyes began to droop and just as I fell asleep, I swore I saw a pair of orange eyes in my closet, staring at me.

(Fear and Love) Pennywise x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now