The Clown

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    I woke up with a jolt, the first thing I noticed was that my room was still dark. I stared at my clock beside me and saw as it was 4 in the morning. What even woke me up?

"I did dearie!"

   I yelped and my eyes darted forward and a figure emerged from the shadows, and what I saw made my heart stop beating. It was the clown that I saw yesterday! He grinned ear to ear like chesire cat when I began to scoot away from him. He bowed and walked slowly towards me, he wasn't moving like any normal human.

"Oh I'm not human! I'm Pennywise the -dancing- clown!" He shivered and the bells on his ruffled suit jinged. He smiled, almost innocently.

"What do you want?!" I cried. He cocked his head to the side, when he suddenly lunged at me. Lifting me up by the collar of my shirt, pinning me against the wall. His face darkened and he glared at me, drool hanging from his mouth.

"Your fear! Your tasty tasty fear!" He took a dramatically long sniff. He moved his hands to my neck and held me up like that. I gasped and tried to suck in air, but it was blocked. I thrashed and kicked, choking against his grasp. He smiled again. "Till we meet again Y/n." He suddenly dropped me onto my knees and the light was turned on, as my father walked in, frusterated. Pennywise had dissapeared from sight.

"What the hell is going on here?" He growled.

"Th-the clown! He-he-" I pulled in long breaths.

"What clown?! Get back to bed!" He yelled. I gulped and nodded, watching as he slammed the door. I remained on the floor, holding my neck. What the hell just happened? 

I didn't even get any sleep after the 'incident' last night. I just sat against the wall, staring off into space. Right now it was around lunch time and I had just eaten a bowl of cereal. I just threw on my hat and sunglasses and I walked outside, in serious need of sunlight and fresh air.

    I made my way down the road, not really paying much attention where I was going, until I suddenly tripped and fell forwards, ontop of someone. We both yelped and fell onto the ground. I stared at them with wide eyes. "I-I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I apologized. She held up a hand and chuckled.

"It's all good," she helped me to my feet and held out a hand for me to shake. "I'm Christa. Are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you here before."

"Oh, heh. I'm Y/n and yeah, I just moved here with my dad. It's nice to meet you." I said, shaking her hand. Afterwards she shoved her hands into her hoodie pocket.

"Why would you want to live here anyway? It's awful here, not to mention all the missing kid cases," Christa said. I shrugged.

"I don't know, I didn't really have much of a choice. My dad made me move." We had moved because he wanted to move away from all the memories of my mom, but I left that part out. Christa chuckled lightly, staring somewhere down the road.

"Hey, have you ever seen the house on Neibolt street yet?"

"Uh, no I don't think so, why?"

"I was told that that's where the missing kids were, at least that's what the rumors said...Hey, can I tell you something?" Her face drooped, and I gave her a small nod. "My little sister, Hali, she's-she's one of the missing kids, and honestly I need to go to that house and find her, before it's too late. I know this is a lot to ask, but will you help me get her back?" She stared at me with pleading eyes. I held my breath and stared at her with wide eyes. We had just met and she's asking me to come with her where all the missing kids are, and possibly the kidnapper is. Wait what if the clown- I shook the thought away, but I couldn't take the desperate expression on her face. I managed a smile and I nodded.

"Alright. Lead the way."

(Fear and Love) Pennywise x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now