As I took a drink of my water, I noticed that the ladies at the table next to us were stealing glances at Matteo. I looked around and saw that all the ladies in the building, staff and customers, staring at him.

I turned away from everyone and looked at the man who took me out. He was casually eating, not affected by their stares. Even I was uncomfortable with the number of girls that were undressing him with their eyes.

As Matteo chewed, his jawline became more visible. It was one of the attractive traits of his symmetrical face. Matteo examined his food on his plate as he swallowed as if he was thinking of all the ingredients that made up this tasty dish.

 Matteo examined his food on his plate as he swallowed as if he was thinking of all the ingredients that made up this tasty dish

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Suddenly captivated by how handsome he looked as he ate, I became one of the flocking girls. My staring was cut short when Matteo looked up from his plate and right at me (the gif above*).

My eyebrows raised in amusement. Had felt me staring at him, but not the other ladies in the room?

"You good?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, trying to play cool. "Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the thickness of silence we've been sitting in."

He just gave a small laugh to my reply.

"I almost forgot." He said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a phone and handed it to me.

"My phone!" I gasped. I pressed the home button on my screen to see the familiar wallpaper of Charlotte and me. The battery percentage was at 96%.

"I would have given it to you earlier but Aurelio took awhile to set up your phone."

"Set up?" She asked, confused.

"He added you to the mafia group chat." I explained, "It's for you to keep informed. Members only send important messages in here when it's urgent, so don't expect spams."

I decided not to tell Ila that he also put a tracking device in the phone system. She might take it the wrong way but everyone in Il Bisbiglio had it in their device for safety purposes.

"How did he get in? I had a password on it." Ila asked. She looked surprised and impressed.

I shrugged. Aurelio was talented at what he does. He's the reason why we have free, very fast WIFI. That happened after he hacked NASA.

Whenever we had a technical problem with our stuff, Aurelio was the one with the answer. He's in charge with deactivating alarms and taking out the security cameras. Without a doubt, he's a very important member with a big role.

I looked through my contacts. All my pictures and apps were still on my phone. Like Matteo had told me, the only thing that changed was the number of phone numbers that were in my contacts. At first, I only had my family, a few of my closest friends, and the pizza place that delivers to my apartment at midnight. Now, I had over 1,800 people. I saw Ian's, Gio's, Marcella's, and even Aletta's number.

A question suddenly popped into my head and I set my phone down. "Matteo, there something that has been bothering me for a while."

He raised his eyebrows, interested and concerned.

"Why does Aletta have a problem with me?" I asked. Sensibly, I knew the reason as to why she hated me but I wanted to hear it from Matteo to confirm.

Matteo thought for a while. "She's jealous."


"She believes that we are a thing," Matteo said, nonchalantly.

"Are we?" I questioned. I wondered about what he thought of our status. I grew fond of Marcella, Giovanni, and Aiden. Matteo also became a good friend but the attraction between us was undeniably there. Also, the nice random things that he does doesn't help me suppress my feelings.

Matteo opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by the waiter.

"How are things going for the two of you tonight?"

"Good," I told him. "The food is absolutely delicious."

"Great." Choi smiled. "Is there anything I could get you?"

"No, we're fine," Matteo said, quickly dismissing him.

"Well, if there is anything you two need, you guys let me know." He said before leaving Matteo and me alone.


Ila's phone rang repeatedly on the table. Her phone wasn't left on silent and the tons of notifications caused a loud interruption. In my pocket, my own phone vibrated.

Ila reached for her phone and I took mine out. The alerts we had gotten from were sent by the mafia's group chat.

Aiden had sent a picture of me and Ila inside the restaurant we were currently dining in. I looked out the window and saw Aiden frowning. Ila followed my gaze and saw Aiden.


Aiden: Thanks for the invite -_-

Marcella: Omg, are you guys on a date 0_O?

Giovanni: Bro, if your reading this, remember not to be silly, wrap your willy.

Aiden: You can't make love, without a glove.

Giovanni: Cover your stump before you hump.

Aiden: Before you attack her, wrap your whacker.

Giovanni: That was a good one!

Aiden: You can't go wrong if you shield your dong.

Giovanni: If you slip between her thighs, condomize.

Aiden: Never deck her with an unwrapped pecker.

Marcella: Matteo, don't you even dare think about sex on the first date!

Matteo: Aiden, come inside the restaurant.

Giovanni: Ila and now Aiden? That escalated quickly.

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