And with that, Princess Mars. Taiyou then silently opened the door leading to the other balcony. There stood a young woman. She bore a striking resemblance to the princess. However, her hair was a beautiful shade of moonlight white instead of blonde, and her white dress also had a bow on top of it with a gold crescent brooch. She was Queen Serenity herself.

When she heard Taiyou enter, she turned around and gave him a radiant smile.

"Taiyou. You came," she said.

"Yes, your Majesty," replied Taiyou as he gave her a deep bow to show his respect. "I apologize if I came later than expected."

"Not at all," replied the Queen. "I'm just glad you came. I have some things of great importance that I must talk to you about."

Taiyou rose his head. "What is it, my queen?"

"As you're well aware, tensions are running high between us and the planet of Earth. It's to a point where we might expect an attack."

Taiyou could see that Queen Serenity was worried. "Yes," he said. "I am aware. What would you propose we do, your majesty?"

"For now, I am afraid that we must prepare for the worst," replied the Queen. "Which is why I called you here. Taiyou. You have faithfully served the family for many years, and I am grateful for that, but I'm afraid that I must impose on you a favor that only you can do."

"It's quite alright, your majesty. I will gladly do anything that you ask," said Taiyou. "So, if there's anything that you need from me, please name it, and I shall do it gladly."

Queen Serenity smiled. "Thank you, Taiyou. Your loyalty is deeply appreciated."

She paused and then turned to Taiyou.

"As you're well aware, not everything in this life lasts forever, including people like you and I. It has been this way since the beginning of life," she said. "Even I will not be around forever to see my daughter take over in my place as Queen. Taiyou. You are aware that war will soon break out between the people of Earth and us, correct?

"Yes, I am."

"Then, I ask you to fulfill these duties for me as your Queen should the worst happen. The first is to take command of the troops and lead the Sailor Guardians into battle. The second is to watch over and protect my daughter and the other princesses in the solar system who serve us."

Taiyou stared at his Queen and then kneeled before her on one knee.

"I will, my Queen. I swear on my honor as a guardian, I will do my best to protect your daughter as well as your people even if it costs me my own life, this I swear, Mother."

Queen Serenity was surprised, but that surprise turned into relief. "You have my gratitude Taiyou. I'm truly grateful for your loyalty, my son."


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