Chapter 11

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It was now April 2nd, which meant that today was the Hall of Fame. Roman was getting ready for it, getting dressed in a suit. Seth wasn't with him right now. He would be there, with the authority that is. They would text each other before the ceremony started.

Originally, Roman was going to bring his wife with him. But since they had broken up, that had changed. Now, he was going with his cousins, Jimmy and Jey Uso. They were waiting for him outside in a limousine. Once he was ready, he went outside to meet with them.

"Hey." He said to them.

"Hey, Roman. Are you ready?" Jey asked.

"Yeah. I am."

"Alright. Hey, where's your wife? Isn't she coming?"

He shook his head. "No. You see, we're getting a divorce."

"Wait, so you two aren't together anymore?! What happened?" Jimmy asked.

"I fell in love with somebody else."

"Who? Do we know this person?"

"Mm. Yeah."

"Who is it?"

"You'll find out eventually."

He wasn't going to say anymore. He didn't know how to tell his cousins that it was his best friend, Dean Ambrose, who he had fallen in love with. But it wasn't just Dean who he was in love with, but Seth, too. He was in love with both of his team mates. Seth already knew his feelings towards him, but Dean didn't.

He was hoping to actually speak to Dean today. He knew he would be at the Hall of Fame ceremony, so this would be his chance to try and talk to him before Wrestlemania, unlike before.

Before, they didn't talk things over, until after. And tension still grew between the two of them. He blamed it all on himself, because he was the one had pushed Dean away. And now, he knew it was because of the power the belt had over him. Seth and him had decided that they would find a way to destroy it. They would figure it out somehow. For now, they needed to focus on getting it in their hands, and not the authority's anymore.


They made it to the arena where the Hall of Fame ceremony was being held at. He stepped out of the limousine, a bunch cameras being shoved in his face, trying to get his picture. He walked past them, heading towards the entrance.

Before he headed inside, he noticed some blue roses outside of the building. He picked up one of them and then went inside. He wanted to give this rose to Dean, as a way of showing his feelings towards him. He hoped that he would accept them.

He searched for him, looking for any sign of Dean somewhere nearby. He saw Seth standing near Hunter and Stephanie. He nodded his head towards him, acknowledging his presence.

Seth excused himself from the other two, headed his way. Once he was close enough, he whispered into his ear. "Have you seen Dean yet?"

"No, I haven't seen him. Whats that you got there?"

"Oh? This? I'm giving this to him."

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