Chapter 8

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After Seth had used the pedigree on him, Roman found himself being punched in the face. The punch sent him to the ground. He put his hands over his face, moving away from whoever it was that had punched him.

'Fuck...I'm going to kill him. Why the fuck did he do that?'

He sat up, ready to give Seth a taste of his own medicine. But he noticed that he wasn't in the hotel room anymore, but in a ring. There was a huge crowd of fans surrounding him, and whoever else was in the ring with him. He couldn't believe it. He wondered how he had gotten here, when he was supposed to be with Seth at the hotel. He saw at the entrance where superstars or divas would come out, that it was WrestleMania.

'What? That's not until April...What is going on?'

Before he could do anything else, someone grabbed him from behind. The person who grabbed him, leaned down, whispering into his ear.

"You think you can defeat me? Do you really think you have what it takes to take my place? You don't. You are not ready."

"Get the fuck off of me!" Roman growled, elbowing the other person in the gut. He turned around, ready to fight his opponent. He froze when he saw who it was. Before he could react, the other grabbed him by his throat.

He stared into a familiar pair of eyes, that bore deep into his soul.

"You can't win. Tonight, you'll be buried alive, Roman Reigns."

After hearing those words, he was sent flying to the ground, his head hitting the hard floor.


"Arghhh!" He screamed in pain, holding onto his head.

"Roman!" Seth came over to him to see if he was okay. "Roman? Are you alright? Speak to me!"

He helped Roman sit up, waiting for him to answer back. Once the pain had subsided he did. "I...I saw my future Seth..."

"Your future? So, you didn't see Dean?"

"No. I saw him. The Undertaker. He's going to be my opponent at WrestleMania next year."

" must be an important match if you're going to face him..."


"So, you believe me now?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. Seth, I need you to hit my head again."

"For what? Trust me, Roman. Getting hit in the head so many times doesn't feel good."

"I know...But...I just need to see him. I need to see Dean."

Seth let out a long sigh. "Well, I can't really blame you there. Hopefully this time you'll go back to the past. Now, look at me." Seth moved his face towards him, then raised his fist, knocking Roman back on the ground.

"I'm so sorry."


Roman's head hit hard cement this time. He let out a scream of pain. He could feel blood running down his face.

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