Chapter 1

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After Smackdown had ended, Seth really needed to go somewhere, where it wouldn't be so crowded. Where he could breathe. He decided to head backstage, showing security his VIP pass.

He kept his hood up, and his sunglasses on, not wanting anyone who he knew to recognize him. Especially them. His former teammates.

The hallways were empty, everyone must have been in locker rooms. Seth was about to round a corner, until he heard voices from the other side. He took a few steps back, leaning up against the wall.

"I...I can't believe Jericho did that to was so horrrible..." That voice. It belonged to Xavier Woods. He was talking to his teammates, Big E, and Kofi Kingston. Seth listened to what was being said, since it was about Dean.

"I'm sure he's fine, Xavier." It was Kofi speaking this time. "Ambrose is a tough guy. He'll get back at Chris."

"No, you guys don't understand...Dean, he...he's told me things about himself that he doesn't tell anybody. Besides me, only Roman and that two-tone weasel know-"

'Gee, thanks Xavier.' Seth rolled his at the nickname. It made him wonder what sorts of names Dean had come with up for him.

"-Jericho took it too far. He should have never done that to Dean."

Seth had to hold back a chuckle. Since when were Dean and Xavier friends? Is this what he has been missing since his knee injury? He wondered how anybody could be friends with those three. Though, he had to agree with Xavier on one thing. Chris had definitely taken it too far tonight. How could the company have even allowed that to happen.

Dean had a horrible past, and had suffered from abuse when he was very young. He had confessed this to Seth back in their Shield days. His father would beat him, and because he was just a child, he couldn't defend himself. Told him how he used to hurt himself as a coping mechanism.

Everyone thought that Dean Ambrose was crazy. Maybe he was. They all believed that he really was at an asylum. Seth knew though, that it was only a metaphor to his past.

Seth walked down the hallways, needing to go some place where he could truly be alone. He stopped in front of a door, turning the handle. He knew where he was going, to the lower parts of the arena. He shut the door behind him, heading downstairs. There wasn't really much light in here, and he had to be careful not to fall.

Once he reached the bottom, he breathed out a sigh of relief. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a lighter, and a pack of cigarettes. If you had asked Seth what he thought of the habit he would say 'it is disgusting, I don't know how anyone could pollute themselves with those cancer sticks'. But now, he had picked this nasty habit, due to his misery and the stress in his life.

He lit up the cigarette, taking a drag off of it, inhaling the bitter taste, then exhaled it. Inhale. Exhale.

He needed to get out of here. Get tonights events off of his mind. Dean Ambrose? He would be okay. He was hurt physically, and mentally tonight, but he was not weak. He would get his revenge on Jericho, Seth knew that for sure.

He was about to leave, but then he heard something from behind him. It was glass shattering. A couple of sobs, and sniffling came after. He wasn't alone after all. Someone else was here with him.

He decided to go and investigate. He got closer to where the sounds were coming from. It reeked of cheap alcohol over here. He heard another sniffle nearby. He looked around, spotting a dark form near the stairwell. Their knees curled up to their chest, trembling. Whoever this person was they must have had a bad night, for them to be crying down here, and drinking their sorrows away. He noticed that they were also wearing a jacket, with the hood up.

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