Chapter 7

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Seth expected himself to be knocked out, after getting hit by the branch. But the next thing he knew, he felt someone tackling him onto a bed, giving him no time to think, or react.

"Gotcha, Seth!" He heard the person yell.

His head had hit a wall the bed was up against. Seth groaned in displeasure, seeing stars dancing around him. "Argh..." 'How many times must this happen? I'm going to get a concussion at this rate.'

The person above him grabbed his leg. "1...2...3...I win!"

Seth didn't open his eyes to see who it was, but the whoever this guy was they sounded very familiar. 'That, its not him.'

The person's face was now near his. Seth could feel his breath on his cheeks. "Seth? Seth...hey...wake up." He poked at him. "C'mon, I know you didn't hit your head that hard."

Seth didn't move, nor did he open his eyes. He felt too tired and weak. 'Please, just let me be.'

"Seth...? Oh is not good, not good at all." He felt the other person sit up. Seth opened an eye, seeing them pulling at their hair in frustration. What surprised Seth though, was seeing who it was.


"Roman! Roman, get in here!" Dean called out for his friend.

Seth heard footsteps approaching, and low grumbling. Soon, Roman came into the room, seeing his two teammates on the bed. "Whats going on?" He asked.

"I...I killed Seth!" Dean cried out.

Roman blinked in confusion. "What did you do now, Dean?"

"We were only play fighting. I tackled him, and he hit his head. Roman, I'm a killer, I'm going to prison! Seth is dead because of me!" Dean wailed.

Seth groaned, finally deciding to sit up. "Okay...Dean, stop...I'm not dead..."

The auburn haired man looked over at him. "Seth! You're alive!" He was about to tackle Seth again, but Roman grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Easy there, Dean. We don't need anymore accidents happening tonight. Seth, are you alright?"

Seth rubbed at the now large bump on his head. "I...I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know? You seem alright to me."

"Yeah, well, either I really am dead, or we're both seeing a ghost."


"A ghost?" Dean asked.

"You, Dean." Seth pointed at his friend. "Roman told me you killed yourself after Battleground, and now here you are in front of me. And you look younger too."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You died." Seth said.

"I didn't die...Seth, did you hit your head too hard?"

"Do we need to take you to the hospital?" Roman asked.

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