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'Dear, wait...that makes me sound like a chick.

Dear journal?...Ugh...this is so stupid...

Its me again. Seth Rollins.

Yes, that's right. Whoever finds this journal (diary, whatever the fuck you want to call it), will find out that the WWE superstar, Seth Rollins had a diary. I plan on burying this when I'm old and crippled (If I ever make it to old age that is). You will know all of my secrets. All the thoughts in my head that no one else except me, myself, and I knows.

I plan on burying some other things with this journal too. My Shield gear, my new shirt that still haves yet to come out. Redesign. Rebuild. Reclaim.

Don't ask...Vince wanted me to come up with a new idea for a shirt, and those three words popped into my head. I thought of it when I was still the World Heavyweight Champion. Before my knee injury. At first, those words once rang true, but now they are nothing more than just that. Words.

Anyway, that shirt will be buried with this, a poster of the Shield, and a photo album that I still have yet to put together. It will contain pictures of me, and my former teammates. Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose. Memories of when we were still together, before it all fell apart. God, I miss them.

Yes. You read that right. Your eyes are not deceiving you. I, Seth Rollins, miss my teammates, my brothers.

You're probably going to ask me why I'm admitting this now, and not back then. You're probably wondering how come I regret all that I've done now. I was the one who sold out, who betrayed both of them.

You don't know me. You don't know the reason why I acted like such an ass. Why I betrayed Dean, and Roman the way I did. I'm not as heartless as you think I am.

You want to know the real reason? Fine. I'll tell you (Look at this, I'm talking to myself...You're losing it, Seth).

I was forced. I was forced to betray them. Yes, I know that is not a good excuse, but I really had no other choice in the end. Triple H came up to me, along with some of his other goons to tell me that if I didn't join the authority, he would make mine, and their lives hell. That he would hurt me by hurting them. I couldn't let him do that to them! I had to protect them. Keep them safe from harm. I knew what had to be done. The Shield must be broken. So, as you know, on that night I did it. I betrayed them. I knew that once I had hit them both with that chair, that I had made a terrible mistake. That I fucked up. That there was no repairing the damage that had been done. There was no turning back.

Now, you must be wondering how come I've never told Dean and Roman this. How come I lied instead of telling the truth. I wish that I could but its not that easy. If I tell them then the authority will surely go after them. They'll be in danger. I would rather let myself be hurt instead of them.

You're probably going to ask now if I had regretted it so much, then how come I acted so cold towards them...Right? I know that question is going through your mind right now.

You see, I wasn't myself. Something had changed me. The reason why I was acting so different is something that you wouldn't understand. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Vince would want my head if I ever told anyone about this.

It was all because of title, the World Heavyweight championship. That is what changed me. The moment I first had my hands on that belt, something inside of me had changed.

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