Chapter 3

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"Vince, you need to take him out of that match." Seth was on the phone with Vince McMahon, trying to convince him to take Dean out of the Money in the Bank ladder match. He wasn't happy that Dean was one of the contenders for that contract. He didn't want him to win that belt.

"I am sorry, Seth. But there is nothing I can do. I mean, I could. But then, the WWE Universe would be upset."

"But he can't win that belt! It is mine! And I'll not have him take it away from me!" Seth screamed into the phone.

"Calm down, Seth. Calm down. Everyone in this company deserves opportunities, and as much as I dislike Ambrose, I need to give him this opportunity."

'That belt will only end up destroying him just like it did to me, and just like it is doing to Roman now.'

"Listen, I know you'll make me proud this Sunday. You can take both Reigns and Ambrose on. Don't disappoint me, Seth. I'm counting on you to win that title."

'Yes, must make you proud. Because I'm the authorities golden boy.' Seth thought, sarcastically. "I won't let you down."

"That's what I want to hear! I expect you to be ready this Sunday. Now, I must let you go. I have business I need to handle. We'll talk more later."

After he heard the click on the other end, Seth tossed his phone aside, not caring where it landed.

"Fuck..." He muttered under his breath. "What am I going to do?"


The week went by without anymore incidents between him, and his former teammates. He kept himself busy by getting ready for his match this Sunday, and trying to come up with a plan on how to stop Dean from winning the title.

There was no other way. Seth knew he would have to fight him. But would he be able to beat him? Hopefully. Hopefully he would be able to.

Soon it was time. Money in the Bank was finally here. He watched the ladder match on the monitor, praying that Dean wouldn't get to the brief case. His hopes shattered once the match had ended, and Dean came out victorious.

"Damn you, Dean...Damn you to hell. Why must you make things more complicated for me?"

He knew he couldn't waste time moping around about the outcome. He had a match to prepare for tonight.


Somewhere else in the arena, Roman was busy getting ready for his match. He was going to be facing Seth Rollins soon. A man who he once called his brother, who he loved and cared about before, until he sold out. Now, he was just the authorities puppet, someone who was enemy now.

He knew that if he won the match tonight, that he would also be facing Dean. He tried to understand why his friend was doing this. Was it because of the way he had been acting towards him the past couple of months? Was it because he wanted a shot at the title too? Or was it because Dean didn't want him to forget about him?

For the past few months, he had ignored the signs. The signs that pointed out to Dean trying to get his attention.

"Where did everything go wrong?" He whispered to himself. "What can I do to fix this?"

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