"I actually remembered something about when this first happened...before we traveled back in time...I remembering watching the pay per view and when I saw these two guys wearing the exact same clothes we're wearing now, I felt like I was actually there, in that ring at that moment."

"What...h-how is that even possible?"

"I don't know, some type of magic? I just know it felt like my soul left my body and I was in the ring with Dean."

"Roman, I think you're right...because I felt the same way, too. It was us! We were the ones who stopped Dean before!"

"And we did it again." He soon heard his phone ringing. He took a look at it and saw that his wife, Galina, was calling. "Hold on a second. I need to take this." He answered. "Hello?"

"Roman, you got a lot of explaining to do."


"You're supposed to be home and yet you're in Canada interfering with your friend's match."

"Wait, how did you know it was me?"

"Trust me Roman, you're not that hard to recognize. So, do you mind explaining yourself?"

"Uh...um...hold on." He turned to Seth. "What do I tell her?"



"I don't know...make up a lie or something."

"I can't do that! Besides, she'll know that I'm lying to her."

"Who are you talking to Roman?" His wife asked.

"Fuck...I can't hide the truth from her, Seth. I need to her everything. How I feel."

"What?! Are you crazy?"

"Well, I'm not exactly going to tell her everything. Just that I don't feel the same about her anymore, why I interfered with Dean's match, and that me and you are working together."

"She's not going to like that Roman..."

"I know that! But I have to tell her the truth." He put his phone back up to his ear, speaking to his wife again. "Galina, can you come to Canada tonight? I need to talk to you about something."


Hours later...

Seth and Roman were waiting at the hotel for Galina. She had just arrived in Canada and was going to show up soon in a few minutes. Roman was very nervous. He didn't know how he was going to explain to his wife about everything. She wasn't going to be happy to find out he wanted a divorce, that they had to break up.

Somewhere along the line, some months into his and Dean's friendship, he had grown some feelings towards him. Ended up falling in love with him. He never told Dean this, because he was afraid he would ruin their friendship. He had tried to work things out with his wife, but after his friend's death, she had begun to notice a change in their marriage. She had somehow learned of his feelings towards Dean.

He couldn't let it go on like this anymore. Couldn't lead her on. He had to tell her the truth. He looked up, when he felt a nudge against his shoulder.

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