"Romerska! No!"

His eyes flew open, hearing that familiar voice. 'Dean!'

He made it. He made it back to the past. He turned around, so he could see his friend. It hurt to move, but he ignored the pain he was in.

There he was. Standing right in front of him. Dean. Oh, how he had missed him. It felt like forever since he had seen him. And he was alive. This wasn't some ghost, or a figment of his imagination. Dean was alive.

"D-Dean..." He smiled, stretching out his arms towards him. Dean came running to him, wrapping his arms protectively around him.

"Romerska...you're hurt...h-he hurt you..." He could hear how broken Dean's voice was.

Roman was confused. What had Dean just called him? Romerska? "Dean? What is going on?"

"I won't let him hurt you no more...This is all my fault! It should never have come to this!"

Roman heard another familiar voice in the room. "Dekanus! Step away from him, or I'll have to kill you too!"

"I won't let you hurt him, Setekh!" Dean cried out.

Roman looked up, seeing Seth standing above them. He was wearing gold and black armor on his shoulders, a red cloak, and black pants. In one of his hands was a sword, that had red markings on the blade.

"Dekanus, I don't want to kill you. I need you by my side." Seth reached out his hand towards them. "Choose me."

"I can't! I love you both. Why can't you see that? You are blinded by rage and jealousy, Setekh. The opportunity to have the greatest power in this world has changed you."

"I see that you have made your choice. No matter, I will take what is mine!" Seth declared.

"Dean...what is going on?"

"You are too late. Romerska has already did what I have asked of him."

"W-what?" Roman couldn't understand. What had he done?

"I will not let it end like this...I won't let you become someone that you are not, Setekh."

"You sly, dirty witch...I should have known you would do something to stop me. You used me, made me believe I could still accomplish what I wanted to. You betrayed me, Dekanus!"

Seth dropped his sword, lunging at Dean. They both landed on the ground, Seth's hands wrapped around his throat.

"No...Seth...don't..." Roman was pleading for Seth to stop, while watching the horror before him. He couldn't bring himself to do anything for he was too weak to.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you, you filthy whore!"

"S-Setekh...p-please..." Dean tried gasping for air, as Seth choked him.

Roman had had enough. He couldn't let Seth kill Dean. "SETH!" His loud scream got Seth's attention, his head turning towards Roman. "Don't hurt him! Take your anger out on me instead!"

Seth let out a growl, letting go of Dean's throat. He grabbed onto his hair, yanking his head up. "Would you look at that, Dekanus...Romerska is sacrifing himself for you." He whispered into his ear. "I'll make you suffer by watching him die."

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