Prologue: Meet Aisling

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I smiled wildly. The forest was beautiful today. It was spring. The snow had been gone a fortnight ago. Light peeked from behind the trees unveiling small pieces of dust floating and playing in the wind. I had to join in on the fun.

My body began to dance to the music of the forest. It was a dull humming, a soft orchestra. All Fae could hear it. Most just ignored it while I lived for it. I wouldn't be the same without it, so I bathed in the music every chance I got.

Sometimes I think the others are becoming more like mortals everyday.

"Aisling!" I didn't bother to look, because I knew who it was. Why couldn't I be left in peace? "Aisling, where is my ginseng root? We are having guests and I need my ginseng root!" Oh yeah. That's why I'm out here.

The other Fae say that I'm a fool, but I think I just get distracted easily. Who wouldn't though? Nature was just so beautiful that I couldn't help get caught up in it.

"You always do this! You use it all and then forget to get more. You're the laziest faerie I've ever met." Sidra snarled at me. Her transparent wings spreading in anger. Her skin was a beautiful dark chocolate and her eyes a dazzling sky blue. Her hair was orange, shorter than most too.

"Actually," I flew up into the tree line and grabbed the bag filled with the root. I'd sat it up there so no one would bother it, including the woodland creatures. "it's right here." I smiled at her, laughing lightly at her expression. Her cheeks flushed. She snatched the bag from my hands and stormed off. I followed behind her, enjoying the feeling of cold grass on my toes. We walked in silence until she started nagging again.

"How can you be so happy? Aren't you worried about the council meeting up?" I shrugged. The Fae Council met up every century and I've lived long enough to seen a dozen. The only reason this one was different was because of the Cursed were finally attending. Cursed were former humans who had struck a deal with a Fae, or just downright cursed by one. Their leader is rumored to be a savage with a strong hate for Faeries, so naturally we were afraid. We feared for our home, because they come from such a destructive race. We feared for our queen and all of the other Fae that lived with us in The Great Forest.

"Im sure everything will be just dandy." I bounced on the balls of my feet as we walked into the village. Faefolk were still decorating for the meeting. It was special to us. We held the only ground that all ten Fae groups would agree to be on.

I said my goodbye to Sidra as we parted ways. She walked towards our hut and I went to check on the changelings. Changelings were Faeries that were born through mating and they have yet to grow wings. Most faeries are like that. Well except for the first faes, and Queen Orla ,and I. We were born from nature. Just poof and there we were.

All Natural. I like to say it was natural selection.

"Aisling!" The little ones yelled and charged at me. I tried to fly to avoid their tiny hands, but with no luck. Next thing I know I'm on the ground with a bright red veil over my face. I brushed my hair away from my eyes and glowered at the rowdy bunch. "You should see it!" A boy cried out.

"See what?" I noticed a blonde girl standing apart from us. She looked nervous. The girl reminded me of a young Orla.

"Emma is growing wings." She turned and showed me her back You could see her buds coming in. Most of her back was red from the irritated skin. I crouched next to her and put a soothing spell on her back. For good measure, I wiped some of my faerie dust over it, thinking it would sooth the budding wings.

"It's gonna hurt, but it's gonna be worth it when you get you're beautiful set of wings." I brushed myself off as the changelings scurried away and turned around to be face to face with a pale muscular, and quite hairy chest. Male Fae seemed to always go for the natural look. My eyes trailed upwards and met green eyes.

"The Queen requests your presence immediately." I nodded, not liking his presence at all, or the way he was looking at me.

"What-" He cut me off and pointed towards Her majesty's castle.

"It is an emergency." His slug eyes ran down my figure and made me shiver in disgust. I didn't waste anytime spreading my wings an taking flight. Not because of how uncomfortable Drust was making me, but out if worry for Queen Orla.

The guards seen me from a mile away and opened the door, remembering what had happened last time the hadn't opened it in time for me. Let's just say I ended up with a face full of splinters. My wings carried me through hallways and rooms until I had found her. I skidded on my heels to stop myself from bumping into her. She was in her private study. It seemed I had arrived in the nick of time. Orla had just turned a pile of bags into a miniature pile of bags. Her personal servant began to pick them up and put them in a normal sized satchel.

"My Queen." I bowed and remained that way.

"Aisling, there is trouble in the mountains." I glanced up at her through my lashes. "A golem was found wandering at the base of the mountains." She held out a note written in cursive. I took it and stood up from my position. My eyes skimmed over the plea for help."Guests for the ceremony are somewhere in the mountain and running out of supplies. There are reportedly four injured."

"Which group is it?" A small smile appeared on her face.

"That is why I am sending you. I can't trust anyone else with this task." I beamed at her for a second, forgetting about the grim mission. Orla wasn't one to show affection, so her confession made me happy. "The Cursed have never been inside of The Great Forest before, and I want them to make it inside safely." She handed me the satchel I had seen earlier. "This satchel is filled with the items they will need to last them the rest of the journey. There are a few things for you too. Just cast an enlarging spell and the bags will be back to their regular size. "

"Thank you, my queen." I bowed once again.

"Remember to wear your armor. We don't want any confusion." I nodded and made my way to my hut to fetch the armor to start the journey.


A/N: Hey Gals and Gills! This is a new fantasy story with Faeries and shit.

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