Chapter Sixteen Wolf Shaman Esmeralda's Pov

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Esmeralda shuttered, wiping the tears from her face. Vampire culture embraces ancient traditions, either those of royal blood marrying nobles or other royals. No vampire had broken this unspoken rule in a thousand years. However, Ashton had confessed multiple times that he had held romantic feelings for Esmeralda. But she saw herself as a common shaman, neither confident with her own emotions. Or willing to claim the title the pack gave her, she ventured through the night markets, a harp playing a soothing sound on the stage. The vendors lit up their sails with captured will 'o' wisps, even now the exotic foods draw people towards the popular markets,
They solid untested devices of advanced technology not even available to the common people. Whispers and black stares followed Esmeralda because wolf shifters were a rare sight inside Celestial City,
Esmeralda wove her way through the thinning crowds, heading towards the east gate. She slipped through the opening gates, going undetected by the enforcers posted by the wall. They escorted a caravan into the city carrying mist fairly travellers, overhead the twilight sky sparked with thousands of golden and sliver stars. Esmeralda dug her feet into the soil, grounding herself. She crouched down, listening to the river flowing nearby. The song of the wolves rung out across the winds. Esmeralda clawed at the mud, her mind becoming one with the Wolfvain forest.

The pack moved last summer, south of the river. With every exhale and inhale, she calmed the butterflies fluttering inside her stomach, and questions lingered within her mind: Would back? Or had they replaced her with a capable shaman?

Two young wolves appeared from the shadows of the trees, their coats blending in with the forest. They studied her curiously before bowing. Emerald nodded, acknowledging their manners as they crossed the old stone bridge. The raging river flowing beneath them,
They escorted her upriver, where the current was quieter, until she swam across the sliver river. Along the bank, the water sparkled in the starlight. Esmeralda recalled fond memories playing with the alpha on slow evenings.
She longed for the days before the curse had separated her from the pack; they stayed as wolves while she had lost the ability to change into animal form. As Esmeralda walked into camp, the wolves howled in joy, their melodic voices echoing through the trees, welcoming her back. The scent of burning torches filled the air, their warm flickers casting dancing shadows in the wind. In the air, the mist fairies flitted about, creating a gentle breeze with their delicate wings as they used wooden tools to tend the growing crops. Aromatic notes of fresh earth and wild herbs wafted through the air, supplying both sustenance and medicinal benefits to the wolves in the pack. The camp had expanded, now occupying twice as much space as the previous summer. Litters of new pups frolicked in the grass, their joyful yips mixing with the low growls of their watchful parents. Esmeralda approached the alpha's tent, the fabric flap rustling as she pushed it back, revealing the humble surroundings within.

She had never seen her leader so vulnerable before. She sat beside him, stoking his damp fur, humming the songs of their ancestors. He sniffed, inhaling her scent.
'You reek of panther, Esmeralda. Taylor misunderstands the meaning of borrowing you.' She felt his words in her mind. He yawned and stretched.
Esmeralda laughed, perhaps, but our mission took longer than expected. I know it's been an entire summer since we last saw each other.
The alpha's golden eyes met hers, with no judgement, only concern. They were the same age, but his eyes bore a deep wisdom. Esmeralda sighed. "I am conflicted alpha, I love the pack with my soul, but I wish for a future with Ashton Shadowthorn,"
"I wish you happiness Sharman, however I do not approve of the vampire prince," The day has arrived. You must prove you are worthy of the Earth's stone. "This is a test of bravery, resoluteness, and intelligence," Sebastián said. Esmeralda's mouth hung open in shock. She closed her eyes, recalling the freezing winter many years ago when her mother had prepared for the same trial. Esmeralda had walked with her mother to the mouth of the cave. That was the last time she saw her. Her mother's scent still lingered around the red mountain, and Esmeralda sometimes caught it on the breeze. Tears escaped Esmeralda's eyes. She wiped them away.

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