Chapter Four The Journey

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Destiny's eyes fluttered. Selina's soft humming filled her ears, her head pounded with unbearable pain when she tried recalling the events in The Grove, her memories clouded.
'Had meeting Christos again been a dream? No, she was certain they hunted together.'

Selina placed a cold cloth on her forehead. Keeping her palm firmly in place for a few moments, whispering words Destiny couldn't understand underneath the hypnotic humming. Warmth flooded Selina's palm. The scent of burning sage filled her nose. It impaired Destiny's focus; she squirmed in her sleep, lashing out and smacking Selina's hand off her.
'The Grove fairies, danger,' Destiny shouted, dazed by the sage.
'Destiny, you're in no danger. Everything is fine. Listen only to my voice,' Selina instructed.
'The Grove isn't real. Stay away from that part of the forest. It's old and best forgotten. Breathe in the incense. It will relax you.' The weight sifted on the bed. She heard Selina leave her room, leaving the door ajar.
Destiny urged her unwilling limbs to move. She stood opening the window, inhaling the fresh air, while the smell of burning sage disappeared.

The cloud enveloping her mind lifted, her memories focused, clearing. She noticed the arrow and quiver leaning against the wall; she hid them behind her bag in the corner, so her desk concealed them. Hearing Selina ascend the staircase, she pushed the door, carrying a tray.

'Destiny, get back to bed. Your adventure yesterday made you ill. You have a fever.'
But she didn't feel sick, lightheaded maybe. She wanted to protest, but Selina's stern gaze made her obey. Her protests would go unheard. She sat on the bed, refusing to lie down. Selina sat the tray on the desk, adding the boiling water to the herbal tea. She added lavender and a spoonful of honey to cut through the bitter herbs.
She handed Destiny the cup. 'Drink it before it cools. The herbs will break the fever.'
'But I feel fine, honest.'
Selina shakes her head. 'Destiny, you were out in the downpour yesterday. Your clothes are damp. Now drink the tea,' Selina ordered, becoming livid when she glared at her stepmother in defiance. She placed the cup on the nightstand, folding her arms, locking eyes with Selina, who narrowed her eyes. animosity crackled between them.
'Fine, I see you won't corporate while I'm here, drink it before it cools.' She storms out the room, slamming the door.

'She hates it when she doesn't get her own way,' Destiny muttered. Selina disappeared somewhere down the hallway.
'Why be so instant about drinking this cup of tea?' Destiny clasped the cup, sniffing the liquid. She wouldn't risk a taste. She identified hints of lavender and honey and a sticky, spicy aroma that made her head spin.
'When did Selina add spices to her brew? She had never had before. It's intense.' Destiny threw the steaming tea out the window.

Destiny noticed a transparent doe out of the corner of her eye. She blinked, trying to focus. Maybe she was feverish, but the spectre remained there in the same spot.
'Okay, either I have a fever and am hallucinating or I'm being haunted by a doe ghost. One way to find out.' She secured the bow and quiver to her back and climbed down the vines. She followed the spectre. The spirted doe sprinted into the forest.

The doe led her through a maze of twisting pathways till they reached the Evergreen Grove. The grove's foul stench made Destiny gag. She breathed in the stagnant air. Rotting fruit littered the forest floor with the enchantment broken. The grove decayed with overgrown trees and bushes. She continued navigating the maze of ancient trees; the spectre leading the way. The doe stood beside the only tree still bearing the enticing golden apples, but the arrow held her attention. She pulled it out of the tree, examine the wood. Thick with moisture, she couldn't believe they had fired this arrow yesterday. The wood rotted and aged. The black apple fell into the muddy ground, now consumed with wiggling maggots and infested with buzzing flies. Destiny heaved, wanting to vomit. The same sickly spicy aroma burst from the repulsive fruit, making Destiny's head spin. She stepped backwards, failing against the back of the trunk; she laughed.
'Yesterday hadn't been a dream.' She smiled, relieved. Funny, she remembered Selina once bragging about making her boss forget about her coming in late to work and instead gave her a raise. Which she later used to fund her personal business.

The seer Chroniclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें