chapter 22: i'd rather be wearing you

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Lauren kept trying to get me to take her to Burlington to get her a cheap coat that she could wear temporarily. But of course, me being my overly generous self, I dragged her into gucci and was now sitting on the leather sofa in the back of the store while Lauren looked through the coats.

She rounded the coat rack, running her hands along the expensive gucci. A lot of the coats were fitted with multiple logos covering the sleeves and body, and some had fur hoods like mine.

I drummed my fingers on my knee as I looked Lauren up and down, taking in her stunning appearance. I was way too lucky. Her hair had always looked soft, but in the lights of the store, it glowed and sculpted her porcelain features. Her brows had furrowed as she stared at the coats in concentration, doing one thing she was unfortunately good at. Overthinking.

She hummed, finding a coat she liked before pulling it off of the rack and holding it against herself. She turned to me, but I didn't notice because I was too caught up by her godly curves and the way her lips moved when she spoke.

"Y/N? Y/N! Where'd you go off to?" She snapped me out of my daze and I shook my head, focusing back on her.

"Sorry." I apologized, releasing my bottom lip from between my teeth. She realized I had been checking her out and rolled her eyes playfully, but I could still see the light pink on her cheeks.

"Anyway, what about this one?" She asked, stepping in front of the mirror next to me. "I really like the fur on the hood—and look it has silk on the inside." She said happily, opening the coat so I could feel the soft fabric.

"Yeah it's nice. It looks like mine." I pointed out with a goofy smile which caused her to giggle. The coat was long and black like mine, but the hood had grey fur instead of brown.

"I was thinking this one, or—" She went back to the rack and grabbed another coat. "—this one. I like how they put the logo on the sleeve." The next coat was a dark tan, with a big, green and red gucci logo on the left sleeve.

She held up the first coat, "See, this one is like yours and it's really soft," she held up the second coat next, "but this one has the logo. Yet I don't like the fabric on the inside and it's not as thick as this one."

"Which one would you rather get?" I asked, resting my chin on my hand. Lauren thought to herself for a minute, looking between each coat.

"Probably this one," she gestured to the one that looked like mine. "But I wouldn't have to pay as much for the other one." She looked back up at me and pouted, making my heart warm up. "What do you think?"

"I think you will look very beautiful in both of them." I said lightly, grabbing the sleeves of the coats and pulling them while she held on so she had to walk closer to me. I stood up and cupped her cheek as she smiled.

"I think—no I know you will look amazing in anything in this store. You could wear the ugliest outfit and still look like a goddess."

"I'd rather be wearing you." She replied, causing me to laugh. She cut me off by connecting our lips together in a quick kiss before she pulled back hastily and looked around.

"We need to be careful, so other people don't get suspicious." She said quietly with an apologetic look. I nodded and took a step back. To be honest, the idea of having to sneak around with Lauren excited me.

I grabbed the cheaper coat from her and walked past her, hanging it back up on the rack.

"Black brings out your eyes." I smiled, which she returned, the familiar sparkle flashing in her green orbs.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the store to the register by the entrance. She laid the coat down on the counter and I could see the gucci employee mask her surprised look when she recognized us.

Love like War (Camila/You/Lauren)Where stories live. Discover now