Chapter 17

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     "You know we never did officially rule out the possibility of someone tampering with the meat. Maybe Foster Farms Foster Harms," Landon joked. "We're not even sure if the theory is correct, it's just an idea," his older brother said from beside him. "What kind of sadistic asshole would do such a thing? I mean tamper with farm animals to start a zombie apocalypse? You have to be a special kind of sinister if you'd do that," Baylor said, crossing her arms. "Maybe they didn't know the virus would do this," Landon said. "Either way if someone was doing that they were out to kill people," I told them knowing that with this outcome someone would be trying to cause damage. How is it even possible to create such an virus?

    "Or they tampered with already packaged meat. So now we have two ideas to branch off of this meat theory then. Either an animal somehow developed and started carrying this virus and no one knew because it didn't effect them the same way it does all other living things, or someone tamped with the animals somehow." Landon said summarizing our thoughts once more. "Hold on that last idea doesn't make sense if the rest of he world is being affected as well. It has to be an animal," I said. It makes sense in theory,  but how can an animal carry this virus without being affected? That's impossible. "Either way I don't see an end coming to this situation anytime soon so buckle up because we're going to the Los Angeles airport," Axel said as he increased his speed. "Isn't Los Angelos one of  the most populated areas in California?" Baylor asked. "It's the only feasible way to get to San Francisco," Axel defended. "And the most dangerous," I said worriedly. "At this rate adding in the time it takes to get past hundreds of zombies, and roadblocks oh and the time it takes to reroute on numerous occasions that's couple days trip from here," Baylor said sassily. "Then you better get comfortable because it's gonna be a bumpy ride," Axel said as he floored the gas driving straight into a zombie.

"I've always wanted to ride on plane," Landon said out of nowhere. "Not under these circumstances, but it's still nice," he said trying to make light out of the situation. "How have you never flown on a plane? I mean your brother is a pilot," Baylor said as she picked at her dirty fingernails. "He's afraid of heights," Axel said before Landon could speak. "That is a lie and you know it," Landon glared at his older brother who was wearing a smirk. "So then what's the truth," Baylor said with a teasing smile. "I've just never had the opportunity," he said timidly while turning to look out window. "I don't know, sounds like a load of crap to me," Baylor said as I laughed at the optimistic boy's embarrassed blush. "Don't get me started on what's a load of crap, because I'll throw down," Landon said jokingly. "Oh yeah? What do you have on us?" I asked laughing at our odd altercation. He scoffed before turning to face us. "Well for starters Axe and I had to walk nearly half a mile to get to a clean spot of the lake!" He exclaimed humorously as I looked down at my lap embarrassed. "Hey that wasn't my fault Exora's the one that was caked in blood and guts, talk to her," Baylor said motioning to me. "I want to see all three of you fight your way out of a hospital and come out clean," I defended. "Hold on you said you found Asher at the hospital, so like you were there when the outbreak happened? How are you alive that was the first place to get overran. I mean the place most of the infected went to at least," Landon said amazed. "I've been wondering that too," Axel said while sparring me a glance in the review mirror.

"On the morning of the outbreak," I began with a sigh. "I got a call from where I was studying to be a nurse. They wanted all of the health students to get to the local hospital pronto. I guess I thought it was going to be some sort of prectical test or something, but they had me working with patients alone." My voice cracked as I remembered how scared I was. "I-I um I saw all of them, the infected I mean. It was awful, there must've been hundreds of sick people there begging for treatment. I was helping a man, you know like checking his vitals? I went to check his pulse with my stethoscope when....well his skin, it just tore. It was awful, really awful. I ran to get someone to help but there was only one doctor in my section and he was trying to revive someone, she didn't make it. I had no time I had to go back, but the man was dead. Not long after that it was like a wave of people expired all at once. I ran and hid, and that's how I found Asher." I smiled at the little boy as I stroked his hair. "He was nearly zombie chow, I hid with him until I was able to escape and find Baylor," I smiled at the small girl. "That's so badass," Baylor said slowly with an amused smirk. "So we have a badass nurse in our group," Landon said smiling smugly at his brother. "Bet you're glad we followed them now," he said as I furrowed my brows looking to Baylor who had the same expression on her face. "Hold up, you did what now?" Baylor asked, sitting up straight in her seat. "I- uh we- we uh kinda-," Landon stuttered nervously until he was interrupted by Axel. "We followed you," Axel said shamelessly. "August, the other guy in our group was killed because of it," he said sounding not so fond of his decision. "Wait why would you follow us?" I asked curiously. "When Axel told me he saw a girl, well I got a little curious. We couldn't leave you out there alone. Well at least we thought you were alone until we spotted Baylor, but the kid was surprise to both of us," Landon said, raising his hands up in defeat. "When you two went running for the hills we tracked you," Axel finished. "I'm still not sure how we missed the kid," Landon said.

I don't quite know what to say to them. I'm not sure if a thank you is in order. They went after us to save us? Then why was Axel being so rude about it? "August and Axe were best friends for years," Landon added suddenly. That's it, Axel blames us for his best friend getting killed. "And we left him there to die, he trusted us and we just left him," Axel said as he squeezed the steering wheel so tight his knuckles began to turn white. "There was nothing we could do Axe," Landon said. "We should've never left him, we should've stuck together. He was supposed to be the distraction while Landon ran after you two. I turned the corner to help him out but it was too late, he was covered in blood and being mauled," Axel said. "I- I'm sorry, I had no idea," I apologized. "Yeah me neither," Baylor added. "Yet you never thanked us for taking pity on you and picking you two up," Axel said rudely. "Excuse me-" Baylor started but I interrupted the pissed off Baylor who was about to go off. "We didn't exactly ask you to follow us, or to even help us for that matter," I said angrily. "Yeah and as a matter of fact we were begged to join," Baylor said with an attitude. "Hey hey guys come on we-," Axel interrupted Landon's attempt to mediate. "So we're just going to act like you two would've been able to make it out of those woods with out us?" Axel scoffed angering both Baylor and I. "That's it pull this car over!" Baylor yelled. "Hey come on he didn't mean it!" Landon exclaimed. "You don't even know us! Trust me buddy Baylor and I would've been just fine," I said enraged. "I've seen enough to know that two girls who ran aimlessly into the woods with a crying kid simply do not have what it takes to make it out here alone," Axel said wrathfully. "I SAID PULL OVER!" Baylor yelled loudly and before I knew what was happening she threw herself forward grabbing hold of the steering wheel and turning it roughly. "The whole group yelled out in fright as the car went haywire as Axel tried to gain control of the car. "Ahhh what the hell Baylor!" I yelled, clutching onto the seatbeltless child in my lap. Finally the car came to a stop, but it wasn't a peaceful one. A loud crash sounded out and a great jolt shook the car.

"I think I just soiled my pants."

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