Chapter 12

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    "Asher!" I cried as I grew fearful for the toddler. How could I be so careless! "Asher where are you?! Asher uh-" suddenly a large hand was placed over my mouth and I was pulled to strong body. "Are you crazy?" A man hissed into my ear as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wrestled against his arms trying to break free. "Let me go," I said as he took his hand off my mouth trying to restrain me. "Calm down I just saved your life," he whisper yelled as he pointed to a ditch crawling with zombies just a few feet away from us. I gasped and jumped backwards seeing as they looked around curiously in search of the ruckus I was making. I quickly turned to see who my savior was. Infront of me was a tall man with soft green eyes that bore a hard stare at me. His jet black hair was a little shaggy and he was dressed in all black. Sculpted features suited him well paired with a masculine physique. Pre-apocalypse I would've found him handsome but right now all I can focused on are the words that were just yelled out from deep in the woods. "I found him!" Quickly I broke free from the man's arms and darted off into the words towards the voice. The man whisper-called out for me to stay there but I ignored him. I don't know who that man was but right now all I care about is Asher.

  Before I ran off I didn't miss the zombies taking notice to the sounds. "Exora!" Baylor called out as I ran to where I heard to her voice. "Exora I found him!" I sprinted through the woods until I finally found the duo standing infront of the cabin. I ran towards the dirty little boy standing beside Baylor and I took him into my arms squeezing him tight. "Asher you nearly gave me a heart attack," I said as I pulled him back from me to take a look at him to make sure he wasn't hurt. He babbled on in baby talk and blew spit bubbles carefree as I broke down. "Don't you ever do that to me again," I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I found him playing in a pond over there," Baylor said as she pointed behind her. "Thank God," I said as I picked him up.

    I was so glad we found Asher that I somehow forgot the scene in the woods. "We need to get back in the cabin," I said suddenly while letting my eyes roam our surroundings. "What? Why? What happened?" Baylor asked as she followed me into the old shack. "Shut the doors and lock them, and stay quiet," I said as I placed Asher on the pile of blankets I slept on. "Tell me what's going on Exora," Baylor demanded as I ran to front door placing a chair under the door knob. "I saw something out there," I said going to secure the back door as best as I can. "Saw what?" Baylor asked following me around the house as I looked for any possible weaknesses. "Keep your voice down Baylor. There was zombies and a man-" she interrupted me. "Wait you saw a guy out there? Like a living breathing one?" She asked a little to loud. "Yes now be quiet," I said as I heard a sound coming from outside. "We need to hide," I said taking Baylors hand and dragging her into the room I put Asher in. This girl was growing in the annoying little sister I never had.

     "I don't know where he came from," I whispered as we settled on top of the blankets next to Asher. "He could've been my guardian angel for all I know," I said quietly as I remembered the man's handsome features. "He saved me from nearly running into a ditch of lameasses," I said as I rested my sore back against the wall. "There's freaks out there? How many?" She asked. "I didn't stick around long enough to count them," I said sarcastically. "There was a lot though," I whispered as the noise from outside increased. "He's out there with them," Baylor said silently stating the obvious. "I know."

    Asher thrashed around in my arms as I began to hear groans from outside. I tried to hush him while I fought back the thoughts about that guy out there alone. What was he doing all the way out here? "We need to get out of here," Baylor whisperd with tears in her eyes. Her body was quivering as she stared at the shadows the freaks casted from outside the window. I rested my hand on her shoulder comfortingly as I ran my fingers through Asher's hair.

    "Relax, they're only passing through," I whispered trying to keep her calm even if I myself am not. We were both startled by a loud thump against the window above us. Baylor squeaked a little as I looked up to see a freak leaning on the window. "One of them just fell against into the window," I whispered as I tucked myself closer to the wall. Suddenly a loud yell came from the woods drawing the zombies in that direction. Someone out there is being attacked and it may very well be my savior from earlier. "Now's our chance lets go," Baylor said getting up off the floor. "No it's too dangerous," I said as I reached out to grab her arm. "It's dangerous sticking around here," She said as she loaded her supplies into my duffle bag and through it over her shoulder. "Let's go, now," She said beckoning me towards the door. "They're everywhere we'll get killed if we go out there," I said standing up from my spot on the floor. "At least we'll be taking a fighting chance."

  With Asher in my arms his face pressed against my chest and his little legs around my waist I took the first step outside. "Where should we run to?" Baylor asked as if I had any sense of direction. "Straight ahead is good enough for me. Whatever we do we must make sure we don't get separated," I said before taking off into the woods hoping we aren't running into a death trap. We ran for a good few minutes seeing nothing but vegetation. "Watch out!" Baylor yelled as I heard a loud growl from beside me. I screamed as I dodged a running zombie who nearly got his hands on me. "Run!" I yelled as I ran faster hoping to avoid other soulless corpses. We continued to push our limits and run on into the vast woods.

    "I can't run anymore," Baylor said as she plopped down under a tree. "We need to keep going," I said trying catch my breath. "We've been at this for an hour," She said running her hand through her greasy hair. "We're out in the open. There could be hundreds of them out there." I said readjusting Asher on my hip. "I haven't eaten a thing in days, and this kid's diaper is full and he's hungry as well, if you think you're the one that's tried you're wrong lets go." Just as I said that I heard a thump from behind me. I jumped around to see a zombie laying facedown with an axe sticking out of the back of its head accompanied by voices. "Hide," I said as I ran behind a bush placing Asher on the ground. Footsteps and voices made their way over to us. At least they aren't dead.

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