Chapter 8

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    I eased his teeth away from my chest and the bite began to throb. I looked down at the hungry toddler knowing that he believed all breasts held freegame milk. "There's no milk there hun, " I whispered as I wiped his slobber from my chest. Soon he will start to cry because of his hunger pangs just like the one's i'm experiencing. I didn't eat at all yesterday but that's the least of my worries. Somehow last night I was able to lull myself to sleep along with this troublesome toddler.

   Daylight flooded this stuffy attic and I turned to look out the window for a second time. What I saw shocked me. Zombies infested the streets and havoc engulfed the city. Cars were left abandoned in the streets below, and a huge fire still raged on in the distance. The smoke filled sky is gray, and sounds of the evil creatures mulling around is ever-present. Not one living person was insight.

The platform I'm rested on seemed to hold throughout the night thankfully. Now I need to figure out how to get out of here without those creeps taking a bite out of me and Asher. Going out this window isn't an option since I'm more than 15 stories high. Thank all that is good that I was on the top floor when all this began. It's actually a blessing and a curse since I was able to get up here away from the freaks, but now I have to figure out how to get all the way down to the bottom floor and escape. This hospital is very old and it's weak infrastructure is no aid to my escape. The base beneath me creaked as I shifted in my position. Asher stared up at me and put his hands to his mouth. "baba baba," he babbled on. 'baba' must mean his bottle. Shouldn't he be weaned off bottle feeding by now? I assume his mother still or used to breast feed him on account of his bite from earlier. Escaping this place becomes 10x harder when you have a toddler to take out of this mess as well. "shhh I know buddy, " I whisperd not wanting him to make more noise.

   Looking out the window once more I watched as military vehicles burrowed their way down the street flooded with zombies. They aimed from their guns from their seats in the trucks at the mysterious beings. They must be looking for survivors. I pressed myself against the glass with Asher in my lap and waved my hands frantically. I'm not sure if it's possible but maybe they could find a way to help me. I'm trying not to make any noise as I flailed around my arms like a lunatic trying to catch someone's attention. The vehicles kept on their merry way as more and more zombies became attracted to the sounds of their gun shots. When I was sure they hadn't seen me, one of the trucks halted. Thank heavens I think they saw me. I picked up Asher and held him against the window so they were able to see that it wasn't just me up here. Four armed men exited the truck. They can't be seriously coming in to save us that's a suicide mission. This place is crawling with freaks, they will die if they come in here. What else was I expecting in flagging them down? It's not like they can climb up here and save me. That's when I watched as they aimed their guns up at the window I'm sitting at. Maybe I looked like a zombie flailing around up here with a baby, but all I know is that as the gun shots rang out I flung myself and Asher off the platform like a bat out of hell.

   I crashed through the floor and fell down landing flat on my back. Gunshots rang out sending shards of glass and wood particles everywhere. With Asher ontop of me I jumped up ignoring the sharp pain in my back. 4 freaks stood in the room and they immediately took notice of us. Of course Asher cried as I took off towards the door thanking all that is good that most of the freaks had lost interest and left the room earlier. Down the long hall I sprinted spotting bodies and blood everywhere I turned. A swarm of corpses began following after me. Spotting a sign that pointed to a stairwell I ran for it. Usually the hospital kept these locked but this one was in use earlier. Throwing the door open I hope that I'm not in for a nasty surprised in here. This door is made out of heavy metal so hopefully it will hold them off longer than the other ones. They banged on the door that I slammed shut as I began to run down the flights of stairs as fast as I could with a toddler in my arms. Blood and gore littered the first flight of stairs but after that they seemed clear. All the other doors to the stairwell must be locked.

   I'm winded, I can hardly breath and Asher is still crying. I counted 9 flights that I had ran down. I'm alone in this stairwell I'm sure of it, but I still feel uneasy about having a rest. I slowed the pace of my steps but I kept going hoping to make it to the bottom with haste. There has to be well over 50 flights of stairs here. Over and over I turned the corner to find another flight to go down. Looking over the railing I spotted an endless trek of stairs. Though petite for his age Asher is getting heavier and heavier the longer I carried him. I finally collapsed on one of the stairs sitting Asher down beside me. Everything burns, I have over exerted myself to an alarming degree. I huffed and weezed as Asher started crawling down the stairs. "That's dirty and dangerous little one," I said not having the energy to round him up. This child may very well be the death of me but there's no way I'm leaving him to die, I would never even think of doing so. Five more minutes passed by before I sprang back up tossing Asher on my shoulders making him giggle at the thrill. I held on tight to his legs as I kept going down the stairs. I absolutely hate myself for not taking those bycicle classes with my aunt, maybe then I wouldn't be winded after a few flights of stairs.

   On and on I went and my legs began to feel like jelly. Asher found pulling on my bloody hair amusing to him, and I had to throw it over my shoulder to keep him from putting it in his mouth. The banging on the door many flights up never stopped it just got stronger, and that's why I have to keep going. What if the door downstairs is locked? There has to be an emergency exit down there. When I was finally at my wits end I looked over the railing and was able to see the bottom of this mess. Over and over I pushed on and sometimes I would pause for few seconds and then keep going. Five minutes ago I heard as the door finally gave into all the pressure of the multiple bodies. These creeps are much stronger than I would think initially. The sound of them running down the stairs after me is what keeps me going.

   Finally just when I was about to collapse I found the emergency door. With one quick glance up to see the freaks climbing on bars to jump down, I evacuated the building and ran for my life into a soulless corpse infested street.

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