Chapter 9

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   In the bushes I watched as freaks stumbled their way around. I cursed myself for not driving car here today. I walked because I only live a short distance away. If I can get there I can jump in my car and get the hell out of dodge. How can I do that when these freaks of nature are everywhere? That's when I heard a loud sound coming from down the street. A motorcycle dashed over the ramp that led into town. Tons of walkers joined in pursuit of it. As it came closer I saw a small girl with short brown hair on it. The street seemed to clear a little as the child in my arms started making noise. She's my only hope if by the grace of God she stops and let's us hop on her death train. She was about to ride down the street when I risked it all and ran out into the middle of the road waving my free hand and clinging to Asher with the other. "Help us! Please!" I exclaimed as I noticed she didn't slow down, but she had to see me out here. I attracted the zombies as I watched them gravitate towards me. I'm putting all my in this person stoping to help us. They are still going fast, they're going to hit us.

The sound of the motorcycle got louder as it got closer. This is it we're going to die by getting hit by a motorcycle maniac. I squeezed my eyes shut as a strong gust of wind hit me. "GET ON! NOW!" I snapped my eyes open at the girls voice and saw the bike facing sideways with her waiting on me to hop on. I wasted no time in hopping on and gripping her waste with on arm and using the other to hold onto Asher tightly. Though I didn't feel secure I have to stay focused on staying on this bike. She took off extremely fast just as the freaks had reached us. "thank you!" I shouted over the loud motorcycle noise, so grateful to be saved. "Dont be I'm driving on empty!" she shouted back as we surged by tons of freaks and bodies. "Go to 9th street it's not far from here I have a car!" As soon a I yelled that she took a sharp left. Hundreds of zombies permeated the area raking havoc over everything. Every turn we made we attracted more of them. "That blue house up there is mine!" I yelled as we glided up the street. They're everywhere.

She came to an abrupt stop in front of my black Jeep Cherokee. "Lets go they're coming up on us!" I said as I jumped off the bike and ran to my car. I never locked it and I always kept the key in the visor because I always lose my keys. It was a really bad habit that I never thought I would be so glad to have. Jumping in the front seat with Asher I heard as the girl got in the passengers seat. I didn't waste any time putting Asher in the back as tons of the bodies crept out of each and every corner. "We need to go, now!" The girl exclaimed as zombies started to surround the car. "Buckle him in and hold on right!" I yelled as I handed a fussy Asher to her and pulled out the key starting the car.

She jumped to the back seat doing as I said immediately. I slammed on the gas putting the car in reverse knocking body after body down under the car. Putting my jeep in drive I laid on the gas soaring down the street. "I'm Baylor by the way," the girl said as she climbed back into the passengers seat and buckled herself in. "Exora," I said as I turned to get a quick look at her. She looked young like around 17 years old. She had brown eyes that matched the dark hue of her shoulder length hair. From the back seat I heard Asher start fussing again. "Oh no what's this one's name, " she said turning to look at the wailing little boy. "Asher, do you mind giving him some of the crackers in the glove compartment? He's hungry he hasn't eaten, and he's on a full diaper so he's gonna be fussing for a while."

   I zoomed passed buildings looking for any safe haven to go too but everywhere I went there was nothing but disgusting corpses everywhere. "There's thousands of people in this town where are they? Everything is vacant," I said as I started to panic even more. "They're either a freakazoid or they've raced onto the interstate to get out of here. It all happened so fast. Suddenly everyone became sick and then bam people started eating other people after raising from the dead. They're dead they're all dead," she said as her voice cracked. "How can this be? Where's the law enforcement? Battle bots? Anything! The police aren't doing anything?" I asked. "They were all needed on the coast there's more of them than there are of us living folk down here," she spoke as she fed Asher. "That can't be, it hasn't even been 48 hours since the out break," I said as I ran down a rabid zombie. "They've been containing it haven't you seen the news in the days prior to the outbreak? All that crazy flu talk that supposedly had something to do with gluten or something like that? It's gotten worse and now it's everywhere." This can't be accurate. "How about other cities? States? Countries?" I asked. "I was at home when it all started, last I heard the US was spotting multiple cases across the country and it's been kept quiet in fear of panic or something. The whole thing's totally bogus they were telling everyone it was an extreme case of the stomach flu when really the people's stomach just had a gross craving for our asses."

    I ran my hand through my messy hair and sighed. What is happening to the world. "You look like you've been through hell," Baylor said as she put her feet up on the dashboard. "I'm soaked in day old zombie blood. I was working at the hospital when it all happened. I barley made it out alive. Thanks for saving us we would've been a goner," I said while looking in my review mirror to see an army of demons following behind us. "Well it's you who is saving me now, besides I couldn't leave you and the kid out there like that. So you were working at the hospital? What are you a doctor or something? That place is where it all began I don't know how you made it out, especially with the rugrat," Baylor said. "I'm a nurse in training actually. The university called all the health students in for assistance yesterday morning. I found him just before he was devoured by one of those lame asses," I said pointing to Asher who was happily chopping down on crackers. "Oh sure now you're quiet," I said jokingly to the confused toddler.

    "So you're not like infected or anything are you?" Baylor asked taking her feet off the dashboard and looking at me suspiciously. "What? No, I don't know." I said. "What do you mean you don't know? Are you bitten?" She asked beside herself in worry. "Well no but I'm soaked in their blood I've been exposed," I said squeezing onto the wheel tightly as I did a 180 seeing a block of lame asses in the street. "I don't think you can be infected that way Exora, I've only seen it happen when someone gets bitten. I was staying with my neighbor while my mom was out of town. He went outside to see what the racket was and one of them bit him. The next morning I woke to him on top of me. He almost killed me," Her voice cracked as she told me her story. "Either way I need to get clean somehow just Incase,  but first we need to get out of the city."

If Tomorrow Never ComesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora