Doctor Who: How It All Ended- Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“So what happened after that?” Mickey stared at you from across the table. You had been so wrapped up in the story that you had forgotten they were there. Staring at you, waiting for you to continue.

You looked around noticing the pub was almost deserted except for you and other loners that had nowhere else to go.

“I um…I ended up working for the Shadow Proclamation for while. During that time I ran into you Martha, you remember?”

Realization spread across her face. “At the Golden Star Masquerade Ball!” She smiled.

“And before that I ran into the Doctor and Rose before he met me. Then before I came to visit Jack and his gang I ran into him and Donna. He hadn’t met me yet.”

It had hurt seeing him. But you were glad he didn’t know who you were. You couldn’t have imagined what would have happened.

“So you just left, like that?” Jack asked. “You haven’t seen him since?”

“Not the one that’s caught up with our time stream.” You looked down at the crowded table of empty glasses and plates of dinner. Yours was untouched. You hadn’t stopped telling the story unless for a couple of sips of your drink.

“Excuse me?” The waitress that had been serving you all night came up.

You guessed she was about to tell you it was closing time. “Sorry we’ll get going.” You all stood up and began digging in your pockets so you could pay.

“That won’t be necessary.” You all stopped. “It’s already been paid for.”

“By who?” You all asked.

“Come with me.” She led you out of the pub and outside into the chilly night. Sitting in front of the door only a few feet away was a giant package wrapped in blue with a white crisp bow on top. “This was left for all of you.”

Jack and Mickey immediately took out their guns and pointed at it. But you didn’t think it was a threat. You walked forward besides Martha’s protests and pulled at the white ribbon. It was barely a tug but the box top exploded off and you were pushed back by an invisible force. The sky above you exploded with lights and snow began to fall. Snow!

You all laughed and cheered along with many other people that had left their homes to run around in the Christmas Eve Miracle. Lights twinkled in the clouds and it looked like the stars were a thousand times closers.

Martha, Mickey, Jack, and you all said. “Merry Christmas Doctor.”


The ice cavern contained hundreds of giant hollow crystals, all lying on stone tablets made of different rocks and all inscribed with different ancient symbols. Every single one was decorated with different ornaments from jewels to hologram pictures to simple notes of writing.

One of these tablets was laced with blue ribbon and scarlet jewels. The girl sitting inside was dressed in a white dress with gold straps and chains all the way down to her ankles. Her pale skin shimmered and glittered like ice. Her red fiery hair curled around her face like snakes coiling, ready to snap at any moment.

Her pale pink lips parted as she took in a deep gasp and her glass eyes opened.

She was awake. 

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