Doctor Who: How It All Ended- Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“Now loading ship 637-889.” The intercom beeped. You had never been on a ship docking craft before but it was exactly like you’d seen in the movies.

It was basically a giant space station and completely surrounding it was “docks” where ships could land. The Doctor said it could be for numerous reason; supplies, pick-up cargo, repairs, or any other cause. You guessed that in the Atlantis’s case, it was “any other cause”.

Inside the craft different species of people ran around going here and there. After what you’d been through you’d found it kind of overwhelming so the Doctor found a closed off room for you.

It had a large window where occasionally ships flew by but for the most part it was just mixes of stars. You watched the purples, mixes of blues, light greens, and pure whites twinkle and dance in front of you.

The Doctor had left some time ago saying “I’m just going to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.” You guessed that meant he was going to take down the system or something.

Good. For Stelafela’s sake.

Professor Tilch had been immediately arrested when you had landed. As he was dragged away he screamed how they could take him but what was done, was done.

You heard the sliding of the door behind you opened. “Doctor? Back so soon. That didn’t take-” You stopped in midsentence. The person in front of you wasn’t the Doctor. She had short curly dull brown hair. And even though she already looked old, her eyes made her look much older. You had seen the similar look when you gazed at the Doctor. “Hello?”

She gave a quick fake smile. “Hello. Been waiting to get you alone.”

You stepped back. “Me? Why?”

She saw your alarm. “There is no time for panic. We must talk about the Doctor.”

“What about him?”

“He’s going to die.”

Your mind stopped then began to race at the speed of light. “What have you done?! Where is he?”

“I have done nothing….but you….”

“Me?” You stepped toward her. “What have I done?”

She stayed perfectly calm. “Nothing yet. The Doctor is in great danger. If you want to help him then you must leave.”

“Leave?” What did she mean “leave”?

She stepped closer to you. Gazing into your eyes. It was unnerving. “Oh bright star, this is going to be hard, I know. But it is returning, the Doctor’s final battle is approaching. If you want him to have a better chance, then you must leave him.”

Now you understood what she was saying…..somewhat. “But he’s already lost so many.” You said sadly. “If I leave, who does he have?”

A glint of sympathy spread across her face. “We will all lose more if you do not.”

You looked down at your feet, thinking it over. “But-” you heard a great whoosh and looked back up to see her gone. She had completely vanished.

The door slid open again and the Doctor stepped in looking at you with a concerned expression. “You alright?”

“Me?” You glanced around then snapped back. “Uh yeah I’m great.”

He nodded. “Good, guess what.”


He grinned. “Got the TARDIS back.”

You smiled. The TARDIS!

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