Doctor Who: How It All Ended- Chapter 1

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So this will be the last short story with just you and the tenth doctor. That doesn't mean i'm done writing about the tenth doctor so don't freak out. Here you go....

“I got him!” You screamed as your feet hit the black pavement. You ran down the street as fast as you could as you chased the very fast and very clever extraterrestrial.

It was your luck that on Christmas Eve you would be stuck chasing a Flict-Tor-Ris with the Torchwood team. It was even better luck that this Flict-Tor-Ris has an invisibility devise. Fortunately earlier Gwen had kicked the hand that held the invisibility torch, damaging it and causing him to flash back and forth between his sparkling flesh and transparent state.

You leaped onto the back of a car and ran across the top then jumped as high as you could and landed on the Flict-Tor-Ris. You both hit the ground with the full impact of gravity.

Captain Jack Harkenss ran toward you and grabbed the alien by the neck. “Oh stealing little children’s toys and their brains is a federal offense on this planet. I should rip your stomach out and shove up it up your-”

“Jack!” You gave him a look of warning. You both knew Torchwood wasn’t about punishment; it was about protecting the human race.

Jack didn’t look at you and instead glared at the Flict-Tor-Ris. It looked human…kinda. It had the figure of a human but without human flesh. It was completely black with silver sparkles like he’d been dipped in a pot of glitter. His skin was also rough like sandpaper and his eyes were just two red dots. Right now the Flict-Tor-Ris was growling. His white teeth stained with the blood of his resent victim. He would use the invisibility torch to sneak into houses and rip out the spinal cord of the children then suck the brains out of their neck.

“But since its Christmas we’ll just lock you up for the night then send you to Area 51 for further torch-….I mean examination.” Owen and Gwen grabbed the Flict-Tor-Ris and hauled him toward the car while putting hand cuffs on him.

You grabbed the invisibility torch. “Jack, looks like you’ve got something else to add to your collection.”

Jack grinned and took the torch. “Which collection? The Work Collection or Personal?” 


You were greeted with smiles as you walked into the warm pub filled with cheerful people. This was the place all the UNIT and torchwood workers went to after a hard day’s work especially on Christmas Eve. Jack sat at a corner table next to a large window. Dr. Martha Jones also sat with them; she had flown in because of some Protection Conference that was happening. She decided to stop by and see how everything was going.

They all smiled when you walked up and slid into a booth across from Jack and Martha. The rest of the Torchwood gang sat in chairs across the room. Owen was trying his best to find a companion for the night.

“Hello bright one!” Jack said with a wink.

“What did you say?” You asked with confusion.

“Bright one; our Christmas star. The way you tackled that jerk earlier, well you have to be our hero.”

“Oh….I thought you meant something else...” A waitress dressed in an elf costume with a Santa hat placed a bright blue and green drink in front of you. “What’s this?” You asked.

“Their newest drink….a Sonic Screwdriver.” Jack took a sip of his as your mouth fell open in shock.

“No! That’s…..he would love it!” You took a sip and found it to be absolutely delicious.

Doctor Who: How It All Ended (Short Story 6)Where stories live. Discover now