Doctor Who: How It All Ended- Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“Oh!” You jumped out of the way as another piece of junk fell from the air. “Doctor! Watch it!” You yelled up.

“Sorry!” He hollered back. “Ah!” He yelled out in frustration and there was more sounds of cluttered junk being moved.

When you had arrived in the engine room, you saw a giant generator with tubes circling around everywhere. There were also men down here trying to solve the problem but they didn’t know what to do. Everything had just stopped.

The Doctor had immediately climbed into the tunnels to investigate. He had asked if you wanted to come but you decided you would rather not.

“Ah!” He yelled louder in anger and there was a big bang that echoed. “Ow! Ow! Ow!” You rolled your eyes as the Doctor crawled out of one of the tunnels and grabbed at his foot. He hissed and sat back up.

The engineers and workers looked bewildered as they picked up the pieces of the generator that were now spread across the floor. “What have you done?!” One of them yelled as their face flushed.

“Me?!” The Doctor stared with open eyes. “I go in there to find everything in pieces. That thing was torn apart.”

You were confused. “So it wasn’t the black stuff?”

The Doctor shook his head. “No, that devours everything in its path.” You remembered the Judoon. “This was….” He stared at you, letting you put the pieces together on your own.

“Sabotage!” The room got a little tenser after you said it. “Someone wanted the power to go out. Why?”

The Doctor sighed. “Stop the ship, don’t know what good that would do though…..unless….”

You held back your smile. Here it was.

“Maybe….no….! But maybe…..but how?!” He looked around with crazy eyes as if the answer was somewhere in the area. “Oh, someone shut off the power and maybe also had something to do with Stelafela’s dark and devouring DNA.”

“Doctor!” He shrugged as Stelafela giggled.

“A traitor on my ship!” Hil-Sin yelled in fury.

“Mss.” One of the engineers called to Hil-Sin before she could hit something. “You might want to see this.” He pushed a button and a tall screen came on, showing different places onboard the Atlantis. People were running in fear as the black blood, or substance, or whatever took them in and reduced them to nothing. It was eating ….everything.

“You!” Hil-Sin looked at Stelafela. “How do we stop this?!” She barked.

Stelafela looked calm as ever. “I don’t know, it’s never happened before. Our blood has always contained this ravines behavior but it was always dormant, I don’t know how it could have awakened.”

The Doctor walked toward her. “I might be able to figure out but I need a sample of your blood.”

“Okay!” She smiled and scratched at her skin in one swipe.

“Oh!” Everyone, even Hil-Sin stepped back.

The black blood oozed out of her fingernail cuts. The Doctor just took out his handkerchief and wiped it off. “You didn’t have to….never mind.” He shook his head. When he pulled back the handkerchief, the cuts were gone, healed. The Doctor rubbed a finger across her skin then flinched back.

“What?” You stepped closer.

“It’s cold….really cold.”

 Tiltch stepped in. “The Turnishal’s have very low body temp.”

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