Doctor Who: How It All Ended- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hil-Sin was less the pleased when she saw you and the Doctor running to catch up with her. The wall she stood in front was different then the other ones. Instead of having the steel grey color the rest of the ship had, it was just pitch black and more defined. You could actually tell it was a door.

Professor Tilch was kneeling in front of a panel which was also strange since you assumed they could use they’re magical bracelets to open any entrance. There was a loud beep and a green light that confirmed it was unlocked.

“When we enter do not touch anything.” Hil-Sin growled. “If you wish to live, you won’t speak either.”

“What’s inside there?” You asked but she ignored you. The door slowly opened and all you saw was black. It was completely dark. That made the no touching rule a little harder.

Hil-Sin stepped forward like she had been in the place a million times. She flicked her wrist and dim purple and green lights turned on. You could only see the steps in front of you and everything else was still dark. You followed the Doctor as he followed Hil-Sin and she followed the professor.

Everything was completely silent except for a distant moving in front of you. Then you all came to a stop.  You couldn’t see what was in front of you, the Doctor’s body blocked your view.

But you did hear the voice. It was an elegant, magical, voice. Full of something wonderful, you just didn’t know what. It was right on the tip of your tongue too.

“Hil-Sin, Professor Tilch, and….guests….?” You finally managed to peak around the Doctor to see. There was a clear walled room with dead-bolts and long bars. A small very young woman sat in the middle of what you considered a “cage”.  But she looked beyond calm, in fact you were sure she was meditating since her legs were crosses and her eyes closed.

Her hair was fiery curly red locks. Her skin was very pale and she wore a dress with strange designs. In the cage you noticed there was nothing except a pile of big green leaves in a corner.

“Don’t pretend you are not aware! What did you do?” Hil-Sin snapped.

She smiled and her eyes opened. They were a deep blue and grey and they twinkled like Christmas Lights. “I did nothing. You on the other hand….” She shook her head and clucked her tongue. She also gave the disappointed look to Tilch before her eyes wandered over to the Doctor. “Hello Time Lord, haven’t seen your kind in a while. I’m guessing the war didn’t go so well then.” If she hadn’t still had that innocent smile on her face then you would have seen the comment as a way to shake up the Doctor.

You looked at the Doctor to see him just staring at her. Uncertainty showing in his features.

“Oh!” The girl jumped and her smile grew wide, she was looking at you. “And I defiantly haven’t seen you in so very long.”

Somewhere deep inside of you something tingled like you were also…happy? No that couldn’t be. You didn’t know this woman at all.

“Uh….” You weren’t sure what to say.

Her eyes looked confused for a second then they widened. She jumped forward and her body hit the side of cage with a loud thump. She looked terrified. “They didn’t? Did they? No! No! We’re all dead!” Her eyes watered and you were sure she would cry. But you didn’t understand why.

Hil-Sin and Tilch also looked confused. “Do you know this creature?”

The Doctor’s eye brows furrowed. “Creature? This is a person! A person you have locked up for whatever reason!”

Doctor Who: How It All Ended (Short Story 6)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя