·Collège Françoise Dupont·

I'm allergic to feathers.

During band practice, Adrien couldn't stop smiling at Marinette. He was having a great time with all of his friends. He tried to keep the others from noticing his attentions on Marinette since he wasn't really ready to admit he had a crush on her. When they finished, Adrien and Luka approached the group and joined in, standing next to Marinette. Adrien didn't really think anything about Luka standing on the other side of her as well.

"So, do you guys like the new setlist? We have been working on it since the music festival," Luka asked.

"I think it's fantastic! It really displays everyone's strong points with all the solos." Marinette replied to him before glancing over at Adrien with a smile.

"I agree. It sounds awesome!" Alya chipped in.

"Where did you get those songs?" Nino inquired.

"They are just songs we like listening to or things the some of us have written," Luka replied.

Adrien was gazing at Marinette with a grin on his face barely listening to the conversation. When a light breeze picked up suddenly, a hand full of feathers were blown towards the group. Marinette pointed them out to Adrien who quickly moved away till they were gone. When he came back, Luka gave him a confused look.

"What was that about?" Luka inquired.

"I'm allergic to feathers," Adrien replied as if nothing had bothered him in the first place. Luka nodded. Suddenly, Adrien's phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked down at it. When he saw what was written, he frowned.

"What's wrong?" Marinette asked with a worried expression.

Adrien glanced up at her, "My father just scheduled a last minute shoot for me in an hour." The group of friends groaned.

"Why would they do it so last minute?" Luka asked curiously.

Adrien shrugged, frustrated and angry that he wouldn't be able to stay with his friends for long before Gorilla came to get him.

Luka could tell how sad everyone was. "Why don't we all come with? I've never been to a photoshoot. It would be interesting to see what they are like."

"Trust me, it's nothing special," Adrien replied.

Luka shook his head. "Nonsense, it's something you do a lot right? Which means it's part of who you are. I think it's important to embrace the things that make us who we are."

Adrien couldn't help a smile. He'd never thought of modeling like that. Even if it wasn't his favorite thing, it was still part of who he was.

"Alright, I guess. If you want to come along, you can, but I'm not too sure my bodyguard and my photographer will like it."

"As long as no one's babysitting, I'm sure they won't mind," Alya teased.

"That wasn't Manon's fault. I shouldn't have brought her to the park when I had other things on my mind," Marinette blushed.

"Once Vincent noticed little Manon though, he seemed to really adore her, and those photos are some of my favorites." Adrien remarked, remembering the time Manon crashed one of his photoshoots because Marinette was distracted. "That never would have happened if you hadn't brought her to the park that day."

The group continued talking for a short while before Adrien's car arrived. Alya and Nino decided to walk home since it was such a nice day, which left Adrien, Luka and Marinette to go to the photoshoot.

Unexpected Photoshoot.

When they arrived, Adrien was whisked off to get ready, leaving Marinette and Luka alone to wait for the shoot to begin. Luka was a bit shocked by all the work that went into the shoot.

"Wow, I never knew how elaborate these things really were. I figured the movies were just exaggerating with all the lights and glamour." Luka remarked to Marinette as they watched Vincent run this way and that setting things up.

Marinette chuckled. "Yeah, I hadn't realized it either. When we crashed his shoot in the park, there wasn't this much equipment. I guess it has to do with being inside versus the natural light from being outside."

Just then, Adrien came out in a brand-new outfit and climbed the stairs to the platform in the middle of the room. Luka looked closely at the smile Adrien had on. He was certain it was different than the one he'd had during practice and while they had been chatting earlier.

"He really doesn't look too happy to be doing this," Luka said as Vincent began shooting picture after picture.

Marinette didn't reply, and Luka looked over at her to see why. Her mouth hung open, and Luka chuckled softly, shaking his head. He gently shut her mouth and watched as it dropped back open.

She really has it bad for this kid. I wonder if he knows.

Luka put an arm around Marinette's shoulders and turned his attention back to the shoot. When Vincent nearly tripped over Marinette and Luka, he was sure they were about to get kicked out.

"You two are the most adorable couple!" Vincent cried as he looked them over. "I have the most brilliant idea!" He grabbed hold of both of them and pulled them onto the stage.

"What! No! We're not a couple!" Marinette tried to explain to Vincent's deaf ears as she glanced in Adrien's direction.

"Perhaps we should be if Vincent thinks we look that much like one." Luka teased.

Marinette blushed brightly while Adrien looked confused. Luka chuckled at the chaos that had ensued from something as simple as putting his arm around Marinette.

Vincent grinned. "Yes! That blush is perfect!" He cried as he positioned Marinette and Luka. "Now, what are your names? Adrien, get over here!"

"I'm Luka, and this is Marinette," Luka told Vincent as Adrien made his way over with a look of complete confusion written on his face.

"Right Luka, Marinette," Vincent repeated. "I want you two to look at each other as if you are out on a date. Luka, if she stops blushing, find a way to make her blush again. Whisper something in her ear; I don't care. Just do whatever it takes. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Luka replied as his mind filled with all kinds of ideas on how to make Marinette blush.

Luka glanced over at Adrien, who looked a little uncomfortable with the situation. He wondered if that had more to do with Marinette or Vincent's wild idea.

"Adrien! I want you to do your best to look like you just happened to see these two, and you're upset that they are together. Jealous." Vincent instructed as he backed up with his camera getting them into view.

Considering the way Adrien had been looking at Marinette all day, Luka was guessing it wouldn't be too hard for Adrien to conjure up some jealousy. After all, he was getting to pose as Marinette's boyfriend while Adrien got to stand in the wings.

Each time Vincent paused to consider the photos, Luka made sure to whisper something in Marinette's ear. 'You're so beautiful. I can't believe I get to pose as your boyfriend,' were just a few of the things he whispered to her. When Vincent complained that none of the photos were good enough, Luka had an idea. He leaned down and planted a kiss right on Marinette's cheek, causing her to go bright red.

"That's it!" Vincent cried as he snapped more photos of Marinette and Luka.

Luka was grinning down at her; she really did look so beautiful. In the back of his mind, he was worried he had crossed the line but for the moment, he didn't care. He was enjoying how brightly he had made her blush. He was so distracted with Marinette that he didn't see how upset Adrien seemed to be.

Lukadrienette Love: A Lukadrienette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now