Chapter 30 - "Yeah like that."

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"Wow" Niall said when we lay down on the sofa.

"That was just-"


I turned my head to face him and smiled. We were both breathless but a smile appeared on our faces and failed soon as we heard the key in the door.

Niall made an 'o' shape with his mouth and I put my hand on mine because I was just about to laugh.

I giggled in my hand and with that I made Niall laugh to. We both bite our cheeks to stop the laugh and quickly started to taking some clothes.

I accidentally took Niall's shirt on my self and my own pants. He was only in his pants. I picked up my shirt and put it behind my back.

Our messy hair could totaly gives us out but we had no time because in the moment we turned on the tv someone walked in.

"Harry you know you could of -" Louis was telling something to Harry but he stopped the minute he walked in the living room.

"H-hi" I said to Louis and Harry, trying to sound as much normal as I could. But the feeling they could of just caught on us made me laugh and I was sort of trying to hold back.

"What happend here?" Harry asked with a curious look and a little naughty smile.

"Nothing, why?" Niall said.

"Oh well you two have messy hair, she's wearing your shirt, you're both wet and Val is trying to hold back the laugh."

Damn you Harry! You need to see everything don't you?

"Well... hmmm.. our messy hair.. because.. we cuddled..she wanted my shirt, I don' wear one because it was too hot anyways, that's why we are wet too and she is laughing because we just watched something funny on TV." Niall made up the whole story but I don't think they bought it.

"Yeah, do you remember when.." I then burst out laughing and Niall did with me, his laugh was fake but mine wasn't.

 "Yeah whatever" Louis said and turned around.

"Where are you going now?" Harry said his eyes never leaving Louis.

"I'm hungry babe."

"Can you make me something too?" 

"Yeah sure, Niall, Val you wanna eat too?"

"We do." We both said in same moment and then burst out laughing once again.

Too much adrenalin for me tonight.

"Where's your brother?" Harry asked me.

"Upstairs with your dog." I said. 

Louis made us sandwiches and we ate them with pleasure.

After that we were all to tired so we just went to bed.



It was about 3 a.m. when I woke up.

I felt the heat hit me, I was sweating and I felt so sick. I didn't wanna wake up anyone so I got out of bed and quitely walked to the bathroom. 

I was soaking wet by now and I hardly breathe. I looked up in the mirror and realized my nose is bleeding.

My heart hurts and I feel so sick. 

Why is this happening to me? What is wrong?

I got all dizzy. I was trying to hold for something because everything was moving in front of my eyes. It was all so foggy and I felt like my legs can't hold me.

Love will tear us apartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora