Chapter 26 - Till the Sun will shine

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"Okay guys, see you in september!" 


They were waving me as I waved to them. The first year of college is done. Finally! My schoolmates are great people but I most like to be with my Louis in our bedroom. 

I, Val, Zayn, Liam and Gemma were walking home. We met at my school. We're going to pick up Louis now and Ashton. 

"Hey Gemma?" I looked at my sister and I saw she's holding hands with Liam. 

I will just never get used to seeing her with Liam. 

"What Harry?"

"Do you two really need to hold hands? I mean like in front of me?!" I did a grimase, thou I was kidding.

"Yes we do!" She tried to hold her laugh and make an angry face, she took Liams hand and hold it even tighter showing it up. 

Liam blushed like she would of said I don't know what.

Wish I could walk like that with my love...

"Zayn, where's Perrie?" Val was talking to Zayn.

"I am not sure, she said she needs to go home for something, but she's coming on lunch with us."

"Oh good." She gave him a big smile, and he just gave a light one back to her.

Zayn doesn't smile much, but when he does, he does it a lot.

But the most beautiful smile is from Louis. Oh Louis...

I guess I just can't get him out of my mind.

I didn't even noticed we came to our house. We got in and were met with some balloons.. there was something written on them...

"What do they say?" Liam raised an eyebrow trying to read one of them.

"It says...'Happy school end!'..." Val read.

"Awhh how nice!" Gemma of course had to aww. But they are sweet I admit.

"Who did that?" Zayn looked around the hall but no sign of Louis or Ashton.

We all looked confused and were all around the house looking for someone alive. But nope we were once again met with silence.

"Where is he?" I wasn't really worried but I hate it when Louis just goes somewhere alone. I don't want something to happen to him.

"Harry!" Someone woke me up from my thoughts. It was my lovely sister.



"Jesus Harry, don't yell. I just wanted to tell you Louis is here with Ash."

"Thanks. And sorry." I hugged her.

She smiled to me and I let go of her.

Louis looked so precious. His smile was different today. Something must of happen. Something good.

Ashton ran to Val of course. He gave her something like a picture. I bet they draw it  in school.

"Hey guys!" Louis looked at everyone with a smile. We were still on the hall.


I am so happy! I just found out I will have a tour! How great is that?! My management called me this morning and I couldn't wait till they get home so I tell them.

Love will tear us apartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora