Chapter 18 - Take it or leave it

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We were still kissing. But I didn't want to move further from this. Harry saw I am not so into a kiss so he moved back looking straight in my eyes.

"What's wrong Lou? I can clearly see this is not what you want right now." 

"Nothing, it's just it's gonna be afternoon soon and I think I should go make us lunch." 

Of course this was the least of my worry.

"I know it's not that. Val can make lunch too. I bet she already finished the studying."

"I know but-"

He cought me in the middle of a sentence.

"Listen babe, I am not gonna push you to do anything. I was glas we did it but we wont do it untill you won't be ready again. Okay? Come on where's my smile?" He gave me a kiss on the nose.

I smiled to his gentle words and nodded to him.


While I was studying everything was in silence. That's very good actually because I had to focus on my studying.

But I have been done with studying for a while now. So I just decided to go check on Niall.

I went slowly to my room. He was resting there. I knocked a bit. I opened the door and I saw Niall standing at my desk reading some paper I left there.

I couldn't remember what was on it.

"Hi Niall" I sad softly so I wouldn't scare him.

"Hey Val" he said blushing and throwing the paper on the desk "I was just.. I didn't mean to.. it..." He was so nervous because he was embarassed I saw him reading my stuff.

"Hmm.. it's okay. What is that anyway?" I walked there to pick it up. 

Niall picked it up but he was so nervous he actually throw it on floor. We both wanted to pick it up and we both knelt down same time. We didn't hit a head or something but our eyes met when we were on the floor. 

He has so beautiful eyes. How's that I never seen them like right now? And his lips look so soft. I wonder how they taste now. We did have a kiss when he came but not the one I really wanted.

He looked at me same way. We tried to pick up the paper and our hands touched. I was melting inside. 

I could feel his heavy breathing and I joined him. We were getting closer and closer. 

Soon we totaly forgot on the paper. We just left it lay there on the floor. Our fingers were interwined. He berushed my cheek with other hand. 

I turned my head slowly so my lips met his hand and I kissed his palm.

He had a little smirk on his face.

I think I know what he wants. But do I do too? 

We were still on the floor and to be honest this wasn't comforting at all.  I tried to get up but couldn't look away from his eyes. 

Niall got up with me slowly. We never removed the look in each other's eyes. Our fingers were still interwined on both hands by now.

We were standing now. He came a step closer and so did I. I could feel his breathing on my neck. It send me shivers down my spine. I was on the edge of gasping because of his breath.

This isn't normal. Good morning Val he's not your boyfriend.

I back up a bit but he pulled me in a hug. I looked up, our chest were touching and he was looking down at me because I am smaller. 

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