Chapter 15 - We're just kids that grew up too fast

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He closed his eyes. He stopped shaking. He stopped doing anything. I was worried what to do now?

I quickly told someone to call ambulance. They came in a moment. They took him away from me. I was left alone on my knees like I would be praying. Some girl came to me to help me get up.

"You okay?" she asked me.

"Yes thanks."

She looked at me one more time and then she left too.

I went slowly to the hospital still wondering what's up with Lou. 

I finally came. I was met with a nurse.

"How is he?" 

"He.. is in operation room. Doctor is with him don't worry. Sit down take some coffe."


And she went in the room too.

I was alone. Should I call Val or what?


I was somewhere where everything is white. And I saw this long hallway that I can't really define where it leeds. I wanted to get up from bed. But I wasn't able to. Was I dead? Is this heaven?

I felt something cold on my chest.

I opened my eyes and I saw a doctor that had this cold thing in his arms. Probably trying to wake me up. So I was dead actually? For like a minute? 

"He's awake!" doctor yelled to nurse. She smiled.

"Louis you scared us a lot!" she said to me.

I wasn't able to talk yet. I waited a minute and then I asked: "Did I die?"

In shock they didn't know what to say. But finally one of the doctors nodded: "Only for 10 min."

"Oh" was all I managed to say. 

Then the nurse left probably to go tell Harry. Oh Harry I bet he's scared!


"Now open your eyes" Niall said.

I did that and I saw this beautiful path with flowers on it. It lead somewhere to the bridge and under it there was a river. We crossed the bridge and they I saw even more roses on the floor. We walked a long path till we came to a big house. 

"Wow this is beautiful! But Niall where are we?"

"Well since I know this few months have been teribble for you I wanted to make this day special. This house if my grand parent's. We come here on holidays since my grand parents are dead. I asked dad to borrow it tonight and he said yes."

"Oh that's nice. But what will we do here?"

"Come in I will show you."

I walked behind him admiring this gorgeous house. Full of white curtons. It was all so nice. Wish I could live here.

He brought me to the balcony. There was a table and two sits. Also roses on the table. 

"Here" Niall showed me to sit down "I prepered thsi dinner myself."

"Oh how exciting! What did u cook?"

"A chicken, white rice, salat and a glass of apple juice."

"Fancy" I winked.

We were eating slowly and enjoying every slice of it. I must admit it was a good meal.

After we went on a nice night walk. We went threw the forest and somewhere god knows where. Long path lead us back to the house and on the bridge we threw some bread to the ducks in the river.  And we kissed on the end before we went back. 

Love will tear us apartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora