Chapter 39:Rekindling

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Ava's POV

There was only one way to describe the next school day. Awkward. Every time I would see a glimpse of Lizzie or Kiki i'd swerve the other way. Sure I could've just turned the other cheek, but I was a coward. And my cowardliness ended up getting me late to almost every single class. Could you blame me though? I didn't want any sort of confrontation with Lizzie, even if it meant being late.

As I walked into the cafeteria, there was one thing circling my mind. Where the hell would I sit? Do I sit with Chase who is accompanied with all my 'so called friends' and have my ego drop or do I make some new friends? I decided to go with the latter. My awkwardness just needed to be dropped to the side for thirty minutes and i'd be fine. 

First things first though, food. If anything goes wrong, I can just stuff my face with the cafeteria's pasta. Should be easy enough. I walked over to the hefty line and patiently waited for my tray. There were four sophomore girls in front of me and I couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Did you guys know she's lesbian?!" The slim brunette said.

"Dude, I totally called it." The girl next to her inquired.

"Wait, wasn't her name Lindsey?" 

"No! It's Lizzie. It's fucking disgusting." The short haired girl in front of me spat.

As much as I was upset with Lizzie, there was no way I could let these four girls diss her. At the end of the day, she'd still be my friend. Even if she did somewhat lie to me. These sophomores had nothing on angry Ava.

I cleared my throat, "Excuse me little girls. If I ever hear you talk trash about my best friend's sexuality ever again, you're gonna wish you never did. I am capable of making your lives hell for the rest of the year. So shut up and move forward."

They stared at me wide-eyed. I figured they didn't know I was behind them, or that I would be capable of giving them a hard time. I'd stick up for Lizzie no matter how much she hurt me. It was basically girl code. No one deserves to be treated like shit. 

"Thanks Ava.." A voice I recognized too well said behind me. I slowly turned around ready to face the person I was avoiding all day today.

I gave her a short smile and explained, "No problem Liz."

Her mouth opened and closed. It seemed like she wanted to say something else, but before she could the line shortened and I already had my pasta in my hand. I retreated from her and looked for an empty seat. Footsteps followed closely behind me and a hand was put on my shoulder.

"Wait, Ava. Can we at least talk about this?" Lizzie pleaded.

I stuck my nose in the air and responded, "So now you wanna talk?"

"I've been wanting to talk since yesterday, but you've been ignoring me." Lizzie bluntly added.

Right. "Fine. But you have two minutes, so make it quick." I added gesturing towards the empty table. She followed me and sat down. After a quick deep breath from her she began talking.

"As you know, Kiki and I have had this thing going on for two months. And well- I was just scared you were gonna stop talking to me." Lizzie looked at me with sorrow. 

"Why would you even think that? I would never stop  talking to you just because you prefer girls." 

She paused, "Last year, Trish and I were super close. Remember how I told you she dropped me because of how close Chase and I were?" I nodded my head, giving her my full undivided attention. "I lied. We stopped being friends because I developed a crush on one of her friends. I confided in her, and she dropped me as soon as I did so. That's why I hesitated on telling you. I didn't want to lose you too."

My entire mind was swept clean, and all I could think of was how much of a bitch I was. She was afraid to tell me, I was such a jerk. I didn't think how hard it must've been for her to come out, especially to Trish. 

"I should've heard you out sooner. All is forgiven." I answered truthfully

She looked up from her fixated gaze on the table, "Wait, just like that?"

"Just like that. Next time, I better be the first one to know about everything that goes on in your life." I joked.

Lizzie jumped up from her seat and embraced me in a tight hug. The one thing about Lizzie was that she had an incredibly tight hug. "Er.. Can't-Breath." I said exasperated.

Lizzie gave me a sheepish look and apologized, "Right, sorry."

This girl would surely be the death of me. Literally.


After surviving my last hour of hell, I rushed towards my car hoping to see a glimpse of Chase. Fortunately, by the time I reached my Jeep he was already leaned up against it. His hair was tousled, moving around with the wind. His black tee clung to his chest, making his muscles somewhat visible.

"You do know it's impolite to stare right?" Chase pointed out.

Rolling my eyes I answered, "Don't flatter yourself."

Chase grabbed me by the wrist,and pulled me close to him. "You look nice today."

"I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt.?" I said confused.

Chase gave out a low chuckle, "Well, you look good in everything."

My cheeks grew red. Sure, I should've been used to his sweet comments but with Chase it just felt new to me again. He always managed to put a smile on my face whether it's a good or bad day. Honestly, i'm not even sure how he puts up with my fits. I was one lucky girl.

"What do you say we get out of here and head over to Sinclair's Pizzeria?" Chase asked pecking my forehead.

I smiled brightly at him, "You know the way to my heart."

"Of course I do, that's what i'm here for." Chase said leading me towards his car.

I hopped in and he immediately drove off. All the problems I had before were forgotten. It was Chase and I. Things were more than good between us two, and I just knew that we were gonna last a lifetime. Nothing felt more right than right here in this moment.

The End.


Authors FINAL note: So it's over. I'm incredibly sad that New Beginnings has ended, but all good things must come to an end.

I want to thank each and every single one of you for taking the time out of your days to read, comment, vote for my book. It means a lot. The rankings/ views I have received have left me utterly speechless.

As cheesy as it sounds, I couldn't have done any of this without my readers. Fear not though, we still have an epilogue left! And wait for it..... "drum roll" I'm going to be writing another book which I think you guys will enjoy.

Please follow me to keep being updated on other things. And if you liked this book, please let me know!! I love hearing from you guys. (Also, i'll be editing the beginning chaps so don't mind those updates.)

Until next time, 


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