Chapter 8: He Has A Soft Side?

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Ava's POV


I didn't get much sleep last night, but was I surprised? I kept tossing and turning, and I eventually gave up and stayed up at 4 in the morning. Nothing better than getting a fresh start on your day, am right? No I'm not. Apparently, my mother had just gotten home the same time I woke up. I hadn't seen much of her since we moved to California. She'd spend her time working come home for a bit and then leave to go with her doctor friend. I was starting to think she wasn't any better than my dad.

I decided to go see my mom for a couple minutes, considering it was early and I missed her. "Morning Mom." I said grabbing the pitcher of coffee.

"Morning Hun, How'd you sleep?" My mom asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"Peachy, I didn't get any nightmares this time." I lied straight through my teeth. If my mom found out I was having them frequently, she'd send me to a therapist. I wasn't happy about having one since I hate talking about my feelings.

"I'm glad, I know I haven't been here frequent, but you know how my work interferes." My mom said turning the paper of the newspaper.

"I didn't realize the doctor you've been bringing home when you don't think i'm here is considered work." I immediately widened my eyes, I didn't think I said that out loud.

"His name is Bill, Avalon."My mom said irritated. She used my first name, and she never did unless I'd be in big trouble. I didn't really regret saying what I did, considering the fact it was gonna come sooner or later. "The way you act, is a reason why I don't stay home Avalon." My mom said carelessly and went back to her coffee.

I stayed silent, not believing that she said that. What kind of mother prefers her work/fuck buddy over her own blood. Now I knew for sure, she wasn't any better than my dad. It dawned on me that my dad beat her to leaving me alone, if she was in the same situation, I have a feeling she would have left a long time ago. I ran upstairs into my room slamming the door. A silent tear flew down my cheek. 

"You okay Aves?" Chase said looking out the window worried, while taking a drag from his cigarette.

I quickly wiped my tears and ran a hand through my hair, "Uh, yeah. I just have.. allergies." I gave him small smile.

"I don't think so, I know when a girl is upset. Especially at 4 in the morning. Hold tight, i'm coming over." Chase said putting out his cigarette, and climbing out of the window.

"No you don't have-" I tried to explain to him I was okay, but he cut me off.

"We're friends remember? Now move." I moved and he jumped through my window. "Come here." He said motioning me to hug him. I obliged because for some weird reason, Chase seemed like he had his own problems and we could relate to one another. Even without saying anything, I knew he'd be here for a while. So there we stood, him caressing my hair while I was wrapped in his arms. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Chase said looking down at me.

"Not really. I'm not sure I can get it out without crying." I paused, "I don't want to cry anymore."

Somehow we ended up on my bed, and he fell asleep. It felt weird, because being here with Chase felt right. Even though he was a egotistical dirt bag, he did have a soft side to him. Was it possible the Chase everyone knew actually had a soft side? I was soon swept into darkness, and for the first time in along time, I didn't have a nightmare.


"Ava wake up." 

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