Chapter 31

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I had to take a deep breath after I explained every detail of my father walking out on my mother, me, and the church. I told Kelly about how my mom knew that he wasn't being faithful to her, but she prayed every night for God to fix things instead of doing something herself. I explained how the staff members of the church decided to keep the stolen money problem amongst themselves, even when they knew that it was a risky choice. I made sure to also add in that Jamie was the one to inform everyone else of the embarrassing problem back when she and I had been friends and I had confided in her. 

Kelly listened respectfully, nodding along every now and then. I started to have a feeling of relief as I told her the story, she was understanding it. That emotion was swiftly cast aside when she lets out a sigh.

"Thank you for telling me this, Ashley. Unfortunately, if you're hoping that this confession will get you my blessing to be in a relationship with Tyler, it won't."

"Why not?" Josh cut in with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I don't believe what they have is very healthy. All I hear about is how she pushes Tyler away when things have gotten rough and I don't want him to get his heartbroken because of it."

"But the only time she's ever turned him away was because she knew that you didn't want them together. She was more worried about him than a possible relationship." 

I rested a hand on Josh's shoulder murmuring, "It's fine, I've said my piece. Let's just go. Have a nice day Mrs. Joseph."

I kept my hand on Josh's shoulder to guide him away, it was clear that he had more that he wanted to say. Thankfully he just followed along with me back to the car. Before we could get in, another voice called out from behind us.

"Ashley! Josh! Wait for me!" Tyler came jogging over to the car and murmurs, "Let's blow this popsicle stand."

I couldn't help laughing at that, "Are you even real?"

"I don't know, you tell me." He replies before pecking me on the cheek.

I cast a nervous glance back at his house to find that his mom was still standing right there on the porch, watching us. Her jaw was slackened just like mine at his actions. Despite this, Tyler grabs my hand and guides me towards Josh's car, opening the door for me. I ducked inside and kept my eyes down as we pulled out of the driveway, knowing that Kelly was still watching us like a hawk. I couldn't help feeling frustrated that she still couldn't find it in herself to accept me, but I wasn't going to let it deter me this time around. There isn't a person on the face of this planet that can make me turn away from Tyler. 

Josh drove us back to my house, but I was confused to see another vehicle parked alone in my driveway. Josh and I exchanged suspicious glances, but we pulled up beside the van regardless. Before I could even step out a figure emerged in front of Josh's car and I let out an audible gasp.

"Is that who I think it is?" Tyler asked sounding shocked.

I swallowed as I nodded, "It's my dad."

With apprehension in my every move, I got out of the car to face him. Even though I hadn't seen him in years, he still looked the same as always. I peeked back over at his dark blue van, noticing that it seemed to be empty, which I found somewhat surprising. I had half a mind to call the cops to let them know that I had the thief that took my church's donation money standing before me. At the same time, my curiosity for his reason for showing his face here kept me from doing anything just yet. 

"Hey, Ashley, it's good to see you." He greets me in a nervous tone.

"What are you doing back here?" I question, cutting straight to the point.

"Look, I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but if you would just give me a minute of your time I do my best to answer any questions you have."

"That's my only question, why are you here?"

He gave me a sad smile murmuring, "I just missed my little girl."

An explosion of outrage and agony felt like it was erupting in my chest as I roared, "If you missed me so much why didn't you come around sooner?! Why did you even leave in the first place?"

"Please don't yell..."

"You of all people have no right to tell me what to do! You left me and mom to clean up the mess you made! They blame us too, did you ever consider that? Mom doesn't even go to church anymore because of what you did. I had to listen to her cry and beg to God every night to bring you back. Of all the things she could have prayed for, it was you. I've had to put a brave face every single morning since the day you left and face ridicule for things that were out of my control. Now things are getting better for us, so the last thing either of us needs is for you to come back around and screw up the peace we achieved."

My father opened his mouth as if he was about to speak, but quickly shut it again as he bowed his head. His voice was even softer now, "I just want to come to tell you how sorry I am, for everything."

"If you really want to apologize, fix what you did. Give that money back to the church, but there isn't anything you can say to me that will make me forgive you right now."

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and Tyler spoke gently to me, "Come on, Ash. We should get you out of here for a while."

I allowed Tyler to guide me back to Josh's car and we drove off, leaving my father standing in the driveway. Almost in the same way he had left my mom and me years ago.

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