Chapter 2

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Sunday mornings usually aren't that bad, until December is about to roll around. At this time of year not only is it cold, its hectic because of Christmas being just around the corner. Everyone was buzzing with excitement for the upcoming holiday, especially the kids. All they seemed to want to talk about during Sunday school was Santa coming, possible presents, and snow. So when Marceline and I told them about tryouts for the pageant that was to be held during the town's Christmas festival coming up they all cheered and began chattering amongst each other.

Moments later Karen and Tyler popped in to gather the members of the children's choir, but instead of Tyler rushing out once all ten of the singers were retrieved, he hung back. The rest of the children left the room with Marceline to find their parents, leaving me alone with him. I busied myself with picking up crayons and half-finished coloring sheets when I heard him speak just over my shoulder.

"So Ashley..." He began to speak, startling me a little from his closeness. "Mrs. Karen and I were discussing what is supposed to be played at the festival and I was wanting to ask you something about it."

I smiled softly over the fact he called her Mrs. Karen like the kids did before asking, "And what would that be?"

"Okay, so I was thinking that this year could use something different and you were the first person that came to mind for me. I was wondering, would you be willing to play your ukulele for it?"

I pondered over it for a moment before having an idea pop up in my head. I don't know exactly what made the thought come to mind, but I decided to just go with it by telling him, "Alright, but only if you sing while I play."

He looked slightly stunned, but he replied, "Sure, I can do that."

I grinned, "You have yourself a deal then."

A bright smile took over his features as he clapped his hands together and when he spoke he was jittery, "Great, um here let me give you my number."

He then reached over into the bin of markers, plucking out a blue one and grabbed my hand to neatly write down his phone number. Right before he dashes out of the door he tells me, "Just text me or something when you're ready to start practicing."

Once I was by myself I noticed the heat in my cheeks and I could only hope that Tyler hadn't noticed my blushing. I stared down at where he had written 'Tyler J.' for a minute. I thought about how just a few days ago being able to talk to Tyler or have his number actually never crossed my mind. Most people tend to avoid me at church and college other than the few friends I've had for years. Maybe he didn't know about my problematic past. If that was the case, I would like to keep it that way.

I sighed heavily as I brushed some hair out of my face and while glancing at the clock I decided I should be heading to the chapel so I could meet up with my friend Carly. When I was in the room I saw some of the usual faces for the nine o' clock service, but not my tiny red headed friend. After about fifteen minutes of waiting for her and the pews were beginning to fill up I took my usual seat in the fourth row. Right at the last second as the doors were closing so we could start Carly slipped in next to me.

"Just in time." I remark with a smile.

"My car doesn't like the cold." She says with a shrug.

"Are you sure that isn't just you?" I questioned, laughing a bit.

She laughed as well, but quickly stopped and her eyes widened a bit as she snatched up my hand asking, "What's this?"

"A phone number."

"Well duh, but who's?"


"Like Tyler Joseph?"

"Uh, yeah."

"How did you manage to get his number?" Carly asked, so loudly that she caused several people to turn and look at us.

"Shh, calm down." I hushed her and scanned the room for the guy we had just been discussing. Thankfully he was nowhere in sight.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but seriously you need to explain."

"We're performing for the Christmas festival together, so he gave me his number to call him when I want to practice."

"Aw, that's so cute! You guys could be like a Christmas romance movie if you play your cards right."

Now I've always known Carly to be a hopeless romantic, but this time I think she could be pushing too hard for it. Besides I wasn't even interested in him like that.

So I shook my head saying, "Nah, it is not like that. He just needs some help and I was the first person that came to mind since he knows I can play an instrument."

She rolled her pale blue eyes at me muttering, "That might not be the only reason, you never know."

Thankfully the service started and our conversation ended, but it only lasted until we stepped out into the hallway to leave. Carly pulled me into the restroom, making sure that we were alone.

"You have to make this happen." She states in a firm tone.

I rose an eyebrow and decided to humor her by asking, "And why is that?"

"Think about it, maybe if you go out with him this church will finally let go of what happened with your dad. He is everyone's favorite boy, so if you mean something to him you must be someone good."

"Hold on, first of all I had nothing to do with that, so I don't understand why anyone has an issue with me anyways. Second I am not using Tyler!" I hissed feeling myself getting irritated over something that had taken place two years ago.

"Alright, it was just a thought. None the less it should be fun getting to know that quiet guy a bit better. Well my Sociology final is tomorrow, so I need to be heading home."

After that statement she pushed open the door to reveal Jamie standing just outside. She gave us both a dirty glare before shaking her head and walking away.

"Do you think she heard any of that?" Carly questioned once she was out of earshot.

"I honestly hope not." I reply, Jamie had a charming tendency of being a gossip and one to bend the truth to make the story more interesting.

Carly turned her attention to the clock saying, "Alright, I guess I'll talk to you later Ash."

She waved goodbye and hurried out with the last dwindling member of the church. Now I was all alone once more and right as I was slipping into my coat so I could leave as well, something caught my attention. The sound of beautiful piano playing made me pause to listen. The choir wouldn't still be here at this point and it was very obvious that music wasn't coming from the small music room. Intrigued, I followed the sound back into the chapel.

Peeking in between the double doors I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. Tyler was the one responsible for the music and my enjoyment was further increased when he began to sing.

"I will sing for you a song, tell me if you think that's wrong. If I let you know I'm here cause I am falling down." 

Falling Too (Tyler Joseph)Where stories live. Discover now