Chapter 6

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Tyler didn't seem like the type of guy to listen to My Chemical Romance and yet as we pulled into Josh's driveway the chorus of The Sharpest Lives played. Then again I guess a person could listen to whatever sort of music they wanted, Tyler just didn't strike me as a rock guy. After he shut the car off there was a moment of silence, and I could've sworn I saw him tense out of the corner of my eye before unbuckling his seatbelt and hurrying out. I brushed it aside and took the lead toward Josh's porch. I barely had time to knock on the door when it was whipped open to Josh's beaming face. 

That had been one of the first things I had noticed about him when I had first ran into him at one of the many music stores he frequented. He has such a friendly face. I was glad to find out that I was right and so our friendship has been growing five years strong ever since. 

"Hey you!" Josh greeted me happily with a warm hug and after releasing me he turned to Tyler to give him one of those weird clap turned handshakes. "Nice to meet you man, I'm Dun. Josh Dun."

I rolled my eyes slightly and chuckled at Josh's silly introduction. 

"Same here, I'm Joseph. Tyler Joseph."

Josh grinned at his mirrored response, turning to me to announce, "This guy seems pretty cool."

I nodded in agreement.

"Josh! Are you going to let them in or not? It's freezing out there!" Dee demanded from somewhere in the house.

Josh gave us a sheepish smile murmuring, "Sorry, come in guys."

Once we stepped inside I saw Dee poking her head out of Josh's bedroom doorway, waving at us. We followed Josh to his room, and I immediately noticed Carly sitting behind his drum set.

She gave me a mischievous grin as she said, "Hey you two."

As soon as Josh realized she was tapping on one of the drumheads with a drumstick in hand he cried out, "Hey! Who said you could touch my kit?"

"I did." She responded with a laugh while launching the stick at his head.

Josh ducked at just the right second and it hit the wall behind him.

"Geeze guys, enough with the bedroom warfare." I fuss with a laugh as I stepped past Josh to sit on the vacant bed. When Tyler took a seat next to me, every eye in the room was trained on us. So I decided then to introduce him to my other friends, "So this Deiadra and Carly. Ladies, this is Tyler."

Waves and greetings were exchanged between the three of them.

"So from what I've heard, you both are supposed to be performing in the Christmas festival together. How's all that going?" Carly asks, appearing to just be trying to get him to talk more.

Tyler nodded, "So far, so good."

"What are you guys going to be doing?" Josh questions, joining the conversation.

"I'm going to play my uke and he's singing." I inform him.

"You guys need a drummer?" Josh asks with a smile that tells me he's only joking around.

"Well before we say yes to anything I think we should hear you play first." Tyler states, nearly appearing to be serious.

Carly apparently liked this idea because she hops over to the computer chair as soon as it is mentioned. Josh smirks as he takes her spot and readies his kit. As soon as he had the two drumsticks in hand Josh began tapping out a beat and then got gradually faster as he continued. I've always enjoyed watching him play the drums, mostly just because it was clear as day how much he loved it. Soon the rest of us were bobbing along to his beats and Tyler was obviously impressed with Josh's skill.

When Josh stopped playing he exclaimed, "Ta-da!"

Both Carly and I began clapping in an over the top manner, making everyone else laugh.

"Dude that was sick!" Tyler cheered.

Josh gave a goofy bow and muttered, "I wish my band thought I was as good as you guys do."

"I know the feeling." Tyler confided and I gave him shocked look.

I had no clue that he was in a band. If he had one of his own why did he want me and not them to play the festival with him?

"Really? What's going on with you yours then?" Dee asked.

Tyler shrugged, "They just keep telling me that I need to stick to making one type of music and I really don't want to."

"Why should you have to? Music shouldn't be put into little boxes and genres. I don't understand why people even think that way." Josh mused.

Tyler's eyes lit up as he nodded vigorously, "Exactly!"

I grinned as I realized that I probably just brought them both together as friends, well they actually seemed to have done that on their own.

"So what's the name of your band?" I asked when they had calmed down.

He grinned saying, "Twenty One Pilots."

Later after Tyler dropped me off at my house I ended up getting another phone call from Josh.

"So I'm pretty sure that Tyler kid has a thing for you." He comments out of nowhere.

I felt an instant blush flare up as I scoffed at the notion, "I seriously doubt it, we're just friends at best."

"I don't know about that. He stares at you an awful lot for it just to be a friendship thing." He remarks in a high pitch tone while chuckling to himself.

I shook my head, "Just let it go Josh, you're making something out of nothing."

I could nearly visualize the eye roll he gave me, "Whatever you say Ash. We'll see about that soon enough."

Falling Too (Tyler Joseph)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant