Chapter 29

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Warm sunlight and gentle kisses upon my eyelids roused me from sleep the next morning. The soft pecks trailed down my face until Tyler's lips found my own. I smiled momentarily before returning the gesture, reaching my hand up to cup his face. His soft, warm mouth gave me one last chaste kiss before leaning away.

"Get up sleepy head." He coaxes in a slightly raspy voice, telling me that he must have just woken up too.

I barely opened my eyes to find Tyler leaning into me with a drowsy smile. I stretched somewhat as I tried to wake myself up more.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask, referring to after he had the nightmare.

"A lot better than usual." He admits before sitting up and asking, "So what do you want to do today?"

"I would honestly love to just stay inside and do a lot of nothing." I confess.

"How does a movie day sound to you?"

"It sounds great." He grinned at that and hopped out from under the covers making me laugh and ask, "What are you doing?"

"I was going to go make us some snacks and stuff to bring up here."

I smiled at him and slid out of my bed saying, "We can go downstairs. It'll be less of a mess and the TV is bigger."

"That sounds good to me." He agrees and gathers up the covers, telling me that we'll need them for warmer cuddles.

"Why are you so ridiculously cute?"

He grinned and pecked me on the nose before saying, "I could ask you the same thing."

Once we were downstairs we raided the kitchen for snacks and popcorn. We ended up dumping it all on the coffee table and after I let Tyler pick some movies as I watched the popcorn in the microwave.

"How does Donnie Darko sound?" He called from the living room.

I grabbed a large bowl before replying, "I love that movie!"

A second later his head popped in the doorway and he says, "You are officially my favorite person now."

"You better not let Josh know that."

"He'll live."

Once the popcorn was ready and the DVD was put in, Tyler and I huddled together on the couch. During a scene with Donnie and Gretchen, I notice that Tyler seems fidgety.

"Are you okay over there?"

"Yeah, I've just had something on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's something I want to ask you and I feel like it would be alright since we've known each other for long enough. But its still making me nervous." He explains and I start to think I might know what he's going to say next, which makes my heart rate pick up.

Despite my nerves, I tell him, "Don't be, just get it off your chest and I'll help you sort out the rest of it."

He bit at his lip before blurting out, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

That caused me to giggle, "Of course."

A toothy grin took over his expression before he pulled me over to him to kiss me deeply. I could've stayed like that all day if I had my way, but sadly the sound of the front door being unlocked forced me to lean away. I peered over the top of the couch to see my mom and Noah entering the house. I was sort of shocked to see them, I had figured they wouldn't be back until tomorrow.

My mom smiled at us remarking, "Well, don't you two look comfy."

I nodded and returned the smile asking, "How was Cincinnati?"

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