Chapter 24

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"No! I won't do it! I can't!" Tyler shouted.

"And why not?" Kelly demanded.

I rushed to my feet, ignoring my mom asking what I was up to. I leaned out of the door just so I could hear better. 

"Because... I need her."

My unharmed hand shot up to cover my mouth as I let out a gasp. I can't believe he actually said that to her. 

"Tyler, you don't need someone like her in your life. She will just make it a mess. Look at what she's already made you throw away."

"She's had nothing to do with what's been happening to me lately, most of it has been my choices. But I would throw it all away for her if I had to."

"Fine Tyler, if you feel that strongly about it then it's obvious that my feelings aren't important to you. So I think it's time for you to just go out on your own and see where your decisions take you."

"Are you kicking him out?" Madison questions sounding stunned. 

"He's clearly made up his mind on what he wants to do against logical reasoning, so he needs go live on his own."

It felt as if her words were a brick that had just been launched at my stomach. She couldn't just do that to him over me. I couldn't be the cause of ruining his life, so I know now that I have to remove myself from it; no matter how we both feel. 

"Ashley, where are you going?" My mom called as I made my way to Tyler's room. 

Zack was the first to notice me come in the room, "Ashley, are you okay?" 

I felt my knees tremble as everyone else's eyes turned to focus on me. I nodded to Zack before swallowing hard so I could speak, "You don't have to make him leave. I will."

Kelly rose an eyebrow at me asking, "What are you saying?"

"I'll leave Tyler and your family alone from now on, I hate what I've been doing to you all." I explain before training my gaze on Tyler's shocked face, "Goodbye."

The sound of struggle met my ears as I hurried back to my hospital room, telling my mom and Noah that I was ready to go. I did my best to tune out Tyler pleading for me to come back as we made our way to the parking lot. Every step I took was an effort, I didn't want to leave him behind, but what other choice did I have? My mom wrapped her arm around my shoulders as we made our way to her car, it was plain to see that I was on the verge of tears.

Suddenly I heard someone running up to me and I was surprised to see that it was Maddie. She looked distraught when she caught up to me begging, "Ashley, you can't leave like this. It'll kill him."

I shook my head, "He'll be okay, he's been without me before on his own accord. He can do it again."

"But you didn't see how he got during that time. Without you around, it was like he became someone else. I don't want to see him go back to that."

"I don't want to make him lose his home."

She swiftly shook her head, "Our mom won't actually kick him out. She's already worried about him enough as it is. I don't think that she would give herself another thing to fret over him."

"Well, if I just keep away from him she won't have too much to worry about then."

"Ash, you don't get it. There are certain things about Tyler that worry all of us and it has nothing to do with you."

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as I questioned, "Like what?"   

She bit her lip sighing, "That's something that he needs to tell you, not me." 

"Alright, well I wish you all the best of luck with whatever he has going on." I tell her with a stiff nod and hurry into my mom's car before Madison can utter another word. 


I tossed my wrist support into my junk drawer as I finished cleaning my room. I had my headphones in, so when there was a knock at my door I jumped. 

I turned to see my mom standing in the doorway and she informs me, "Josh is here to see you."

"Tell him to come on up." I say as I turn off my music.

A minute later Josh steps in my room sending me a small wave saying, "Salutations."

I crack a smile at his odd way of greeting me, "Hey."

"So, how are you feeling?" He asks, gesturing to my hand.

"I'm all better thankfully." I say and then decide to ask, "How's Tyler?"

Josh moves to take a seat on the edge of my bed before speaking, "Physically he's all better, the cut on his head has almost disappeared."

"But other than that...?"

"He misses you. Whenever we aren't working on music, he brings you up a lot."

"What does he say?" 

Josh quickly ran a hand through his hair elaborating, "Just things about wondering what you're doing or what you would think about a certain song. They're just little things, but they come up quite a bit."

A strange mixture of aching and relief came over me. I wanted Tyler to be okay, but a part of me was glad that he still thought of me. 

During my moment of silence, Josh decided to add, "You know, I think you should talk to him."

"I can't, his mom will kill us both."

Josh gave me one of his long stares and then asked, "Fine, will you at least come to our show this Saturday?"

I bit at the inside of my cheek, before finally giving in with a nod, "Yeah, sure I'll go."

Josh pulled me into a tight hug at that murmuring, "Thanks Ash, we're really going to need the support." 

Falling Too (Tyler Joseph)Where stories live. Discover now