|10| Love Me Harder

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"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked out of Scooter's office. Justin stared straight ahead of him, never making eye contact with me. "I don't know. Do you want to chose or do you want a surprise?"
I shrugged, not really wanting to answer him. "You choose." I slightly mumbled. Justin nodded his head, "I'll pick you up...or do you want to meet there?"
"Pick me up." He nodded, avoiding eye contact.  "So I'll pick you up at 1:30 on Friday."
"Okay. I'll see you later."
We parted to our cars and went on about our day. I just don't know how I'm going to fake having a good time with him.



I wait on my couch for Justin to tell me he's here.  Staring at the time didn't help time go fast, it just slowed it down. There was only two ways this "date" is going to go. Bad or okay. All I could do was hope that it was going to be okay.
Shortly after my thoughts, a horn sounded outside. Quickly got off my couch and walked outside to see Justin getting out of his car.

"I was expecting a text or call that you were here. Not you disturbing the peace." I look at both my neighbors houses. "Well I honked to give you a little warning before I came to the door." He grinned. "So considerate." I headed towards the passenger side. "So where are we going?"
Justin jogged to the driver side, "Well I was thinking that we would have lunch and then go from there." He smiled.
It was so hard not to smile around him. It was so contagious. It was always something that I loved about him.


"Justin! How've you been?!" Gio, the owner of the restaurant we arrived at. "You even brought your beautiful girlfriend."
I quickly shook my head, "I'm not his girlfriend. Just his friend."
Surprisingly saying that sentence hurt me a little. My heart dropped or sank. Either one didn't feel good.
"My apologies. May I show you to your table?" Gio have an awkward smile. Justin and I both nodded, then followed him to a booth.
"Your server will be right with you." He smiled and walked away.

"I'm sorry about that Ari." Justin had a hint of pity in his voice. "It's fine." I said, looking down at the menu. "Let's just get this over with."
I tried my best to look happy. I'd flash a smile every once in a while, only because there was a group of girls snapping picture and filming videos of us.
"Justin." I called his name and motioned him to move closer to me. "We need to go. I'm getting uncomfortable." I moved my eyes in the girls direction so Justin knew why I said that without explaining.

Another thing about Justin is that he's very understanding when it comes to certain situations. Never in my years with him, he has never questioned why I did certain things.
Moments later we paying and heading back to the car. We parked the car not close to the restaurant so when we stepped out of those doors. Our names were being yelled. I look at Justin with wide eyes as we watch a group of paparazzi run towards us.
"Get on my back." Justin commanded. Without hesitation I jumped on his back. "Go. Go. Go." I squealed as Justin started to run in the direction of the car.
"Excuse us!" I yelled as he ran towards people. I'd look back to see how much they gained on us. "They're coming." I laughed. Justin picked up the pace. "Almost there."

We reached the car, Justin quickly put me down and unlocked the door. Once we were inside we started laughing like we weren't fighting anymore. He started the car and safely got us back on the road.
"Next time I'll park closer." He chuckled, making me laugh a little. "That'd be wise."
Our laughter died down and the radio lightly played in the background.

"Do you want to do something else?" Justin asked as we approached a red light. "Depends. What do you have in mind?"
I could tell that my flirty side was starting to come out. I was getting comfortable with him again.
"You know. The sappy sunset to end our little date." He chuckled as he pressed the gas. "It wouldn't be a date if we didn't end it with a look out point." I smiled.


"When are we stopping?"

We were still walking up the hill that looked over city. This place was new to me, I've never been up to this one before.

"Just a couple more steps." Justin took in a deep breath as he waited for me to catch up. "It's worth it. Trust me."
"It better be Justin." I scolded.
We reached the top and the sun was in the perfect position for us. It was the creating a perfect silhouette of the skyline.
"Worth it?" He asked.
"Worth it."
Justin and I talked about the new songs we were writing, but I'm sure he wasn't telling me everything that was going on in the studio. Just like how I wasn't telling him the I wrote a song about him. It was good to catch up with him. It was well needed.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked. I look over at him and he was just gazing out towards the city. "Yeah. What's on your mind?"
"Are you and Nathan...you know a thing?"
I chuckled at his question. "No." I shook my head. "I don't think we could ever be a thing." I start to fiddle with my hands. Justin was silent after that. We watched the sunset in silence. Which was nice, but I could still feel the tension. Minutes passed by and it was starting to get dark.
"Ready to go?" He asked, I nodded and we began to walk back down the hill. "I hope Scooter is happy with today." I tried to start new conversation. "I think he will. Especially after our little chase downtown." Justin started to laugh as the fresh memory went through his mind.

After an hour of getting back into town and dropping me back off at home. We ended our little project.
"I had fun today, even though it was work related." Justin announced as he walked me to my door. "Me too." I smiled. "Well I'll see you whenever Scooter wants us to do something again." I pushed my door open. "Or." Justin paused. "We can just hang out like old times."
I looked up at him and grinned, "Baby steps."
"I can do that. Goodnight Ari." He backed away. "Goodnight Justin."

Currently watching the World Series, it's 12:30AM, 2-2, and bottom of the 18th...LETS GO DODGERS!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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