|8| Love Me Harder

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After Justin semi "put me in my place" I headed down to the studio. I was determined to explain everything to him in the form of a song. Along with making it relatable for people who aren't in the middle of my situation.
I walked in the studio with a lyric already in mind..

I'm sorry that I never replied
How was I to know this would be our last goodbye?
We can't look at the world with tears in our eyes
Don't cry, don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

It basically was what happened last night and then what happened after the party. I told myself not to cry the remainder of that day.
Everybody has a weakness they like to stay away from. Mine was Justin. It took me a while to figure it out, but it was proven last night when he left. I laid in bed and cried myself to sleep last night. He's impacted my life in a way that no one else has ever done. It is hard to get rid of someone who has helped you overcome hard times. He was there in the beginning of my career, I loved him before I even knew I loved him.

This ain't all the good times you've left behind
And over here was all for you
If you didn't say your goodbyes
Don't worry, love will power through

As I finished the verse, I wiped my tears that were streaming down my face. "I'm sorry." I speak into the mic for everyone who is sitting on the other side of the booth. "Take your time." One of them said. I nodded and sat back down on the stool, hiding my face from them.
"Why is this so hard?" I asked myself.
I stood back up and shook it off. "Can you play it back please?" Then a second I hear the song back. I began to tear up again, but I held it together better than I did when I was recording. Once it finished, I placed the headphones back and walked out the booth.

I smiled, "I think I'm done for the day." I giggled a little, making everyone else laugh a little. "It was good...Very different." Max looked pleased. "Thank you."
"Same time tomorrow?" He raised his eyebrow. "Yes." I grinned. "See you tomorrow Ms. Grande." Max got up from his chair and gave me a hug , then left. I walked a couple minutes after. Sitting in the studio alone get me inspired most of the time. Being alone in general inspires me, only because I think about a lot of memories when I'm isolated.


I was on my way home when I got a text from Nathan saying he wanted to hang out today. I thought about. I tried to come up with a lie to come up with. That didn't work. Instead I agreed, maybe hanging out with new people isn't such a bad thing.
We were meeting at a hidden place where minimal people go and eat. He said he picked just for me, so I would have some privacy. I arrive and it was covered by a series of trees. Bamboo, palm, and Bonsai trees. Which I thought was almost a weird combo, but it made since in a way. I walked in and saw him right away. I flashed him a smile, giving him a quick hug. Some people in the building were recording and taking pictures of us. That's nothing new in my new world.

"So how have you been since I last saw you?" He asked. "I've been g-great actually." I lied. Only a little. "I'm glad." He grinned. "How about you?"
I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. Sometimes it hard to tell with people how have an accent that you're not used to hearing. So instead I just nod and carry on.

"How long are you here for?" I asked taking a sip of the water that was in front of me. "Only here until tomorrow. I have things to take care of back home." He smiled.
His smile was different, but of course everyone has something some else doesn't have. Nathan seemed like there wasn't a trouble in the world, he seems to have a smile on his face the majority of the time.

"Family man?" I raised my brows. "Something like that."
There it was again that smile. It made me feel warm inside. A feeling that only happens when I start to like someone. Though part of me didn't want this to be anything more than a friendship. I don't want to risk messing up another relationship that I would've loved very much.

"We love a good family man." We laughed.
We talked for hours. We talked about random irrelevant things that you'd never think of. He threw in some conspiracy theories. I threw in some movie references. Over all we had a good time. There was a moment where I caught myself getting lost in him. Just everything about him was interesting and I wanted to learn more about him.

"I hope you had a great night." He smiled, "Because I did." He added.
"I enjoyed my time with you. Thank you for inviting me Nathan." I smiled. "Hopefully this won't be the last time we see each other." His eyes glazed over mine. Butterflies were forming in my stomach. "Hopefully." I say, my eyes still locked on his. He walked me to my car, we made more small talk and quickly ended it when paparazzi came around the corner. "See you later." He hugged me and walked away. I hopped in my car a drove back home.


"It wasn't a date." I rolled over on my back.

I was talking to Alexa on the phone. I've been home for a couple of hours and articles have already came out about Nathan and I. She called me right when she found out. At first she was mad that I didn't let her know that we were a "thing" when we aren't.

"You two were standing so close to each other Ariana! You two looked like you guys were about to just risk it all." She laughed. "Ariana this headline says, 'Grande leaves Bieber to soar the Skye!" Alexa laughs a little more than before. "But we are not dating. I don't want to date anyone right now." Alexa groaned, "You're just saying that because of Justin."
"I am not." I defend myself. "Justin and I are just trying to forgive and trust each other now." Alexa sighed, "Right." She paused. "We'll be alright."

Song: Goodbyes - Jorja Smith

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