Jack x PTSD! Reader x Gabriel

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A/n: Another request, thank the Lord! PhoebePhoenixine asked for this and a couple others so I have more motivation! Plus, she mentioned I have too much Jesse McCree in this, and yesss I do, so expect less of that lol. Although I do have one request by someone else that's for McCree but I'm going to publish it once I finish some others! Thank youuuu!!! ♡


(Also, in this they're all young adults)

"Jack! Gabriel! Stop fighting!"

Those two were constantly fighting and wrestling...like little children, almost. They were always at each other's throats, ready to take the other down at any second. At the time, they were fighting over who got to use the microwave first.

Jack immediately jumped up, his un-styled hair covering his forehead, and Gabe did the same, with his beanie half way off.

I smiled at them and pushed Jack's hair away from his eyes and fixed Gabe's beanie, "There ya go, kids. Now get out of the way. I'm hungry."

They both tilted their heads, confused, "Wha-"

I opened the microwave and put my breakfast in it, pushing some buttons.

"You snooze, you lose. Sorry." I smirked as I leaned on the counter, waiting for my food.

Gabe huffed and put his hands in his pockets. Jack just smiled, crossing his arms, "Clever."

The microwave beeped at me so I took my food out and brushed past them easily toward the lunchroom with a smirk on my face. The both of them huffed and started fighting over the microwave again.

I sat down next to Genji, whose company I enjoyed. He was quiet, always knew what to say, and he actually had a nice sense of humor despite his intimidating appearance. "How's your morning, Genji?"

"Quite entertaining. Jack and Gabriel are acting different around you, and it amuses me. You do realize they both have grown feelings for you?"

"So you've noticed it too, huh. I dunno... I kinda like it. Knowing that two hot guys like me." I laughed, and Genji chuckled along.

-Time Skip-

Jack, Gabe, Jesse, Angela, and I were all sitting in the living room, watching some movies that Angela picked out. Thats when a low rumble of Thunder sounded throughout the base, and my anxiety began to form. I curled up on the edge of the couch with my blanket and squeezed my eyes shut.

Another rumble sounded and shook the room, and my body began to shake, "I'll-I'll be right back." Nausea soon took over as I quickly escaped the room. Everyone watched me, worried. Just before I reached the hallway, the sound of an explosion of thunder reverberated through my blood and bones.

I jumped, screamed, and fell to the hard floor, sobbing.



The huge crash of thunder silenced his voice. The rain soaked my clothes and made my hair stick to my neck and the sides of my face. I sat helplessly in the wet alley, taking yet another beating from my "father".

He wasn't my father.

He was a cruel, ruthless, man who deserved no title.

Thunder and lightning tore the sky to shreds, drowning out any other sound.

My whole body shook and ached as I  tried to escape the rain, but I had no where to go. He left me in the alley with nothing except my pain and memories. I couldn't escape that...no one could.

(Jack's Ending)

Muscular arms were wrapped around my frame, "GET OFF ME, GET OFF-"

"(Y/n), breathe-"

"Get off!" I sobbed, pushing the arms away.

"It's just me, Jack." His hand brushed my shoulder lightly. I tried to pull myself together, but I was failing miserably. He took his royal blue coat off and wrapped it around my shoulders gently, so I grabbed the edges of it, pulling it tighter around me. Then Angela ran up to us, breathing heavily holding a pair of headphones plugged into her phone. She handed it to Jack, who put the headphones over my ears. It was playing soft piano music from one of my favorite composers, so I continued to cry, gradually growing calmer to the music.

Once the thunder had finally calmed down, I took the headphones off and hugged Jack as tightly as I could. "Thank you," I whispered with a soft voice in his ear, partially embarrassed that everyone saw me have an attack. When I let go, he smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss.

I took it, closing my eyes to fully enjoy it while it lasted. I heard Angela squeak with excitement in the background and I felt Jack smile into the kiss. We finally pulled apart, breathing quite heavily.

"You're a pretty cute mess," he said, satisfied that Gabe didn't get to have me.


Gabriel's Ending)

"(Y/n), gracias a Dios you're okay." Gabe was kneeling next to my bed, my hands enveloped in his calloused ones.

The storm was now over, and the base was quiet. After my flashback, I had passed out, apparently. Gabe and Angela were the only two in my room. Angela was only there to monitor me and make sure I was completely okay.

Gabe took his beanie off and rubbed the back of his head, "(Y/n), no one knew you had PTSD. If we would have known, I could've helped you-"

"I know, Gabe... I was just scared to say anything. As always," I muttered. Gabe's eyes softened, something rarely seen, and he quickly stole a kiss on the lips.

"Querido (darling in Spanish), don't say that. You're brave and everyone knows it."





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