McCree x Reader/ Part Three

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"I hate to say it... but we need to split up to cover more ground. The faster we find one, the faster we can find the others. Ev'ry hour we can't catch a member, meet up here to check in with each other. I'll take the north side and take south." Jesse sighed as he adjusted his hat for the hundredth time. It was something he did when he was nervous, but he would never admit it.

"If we don't come back here, how will we know if the other caught one or is in trouble. The earpieces will, most likely, be out of range."

Jesse mumbled a profanity and shook his head, "Bring em' back here, then. If one of us isn't there in 5 minutes after the beginning of the hour and no call, then we know we're in trouble."

I nodded and took a deep breath, "Sounds good. Let's go." Eager to finish the mission, I immediately turned and began jogging south. Jesse yelled after me, "(Y/N), wait!"

I stopped and look back. He made sure our eyes were locked, "Stay safe, please."

"Don't worry about me, Jess-"

"Just be safe, (Y/N)."

"I will, I promise." With that, I began running south again, not going anywhere specific. The body I had seen just a few minutes earlier burned in my eyes...but it drove me to do the job, and do it quickly. Almost like I was going to avenge the murdered man. Whoever did it must be close, anyway.

Almost as if on cue, shuffling footsteps were heard in a nearby alleyway. I drew my weapon swiftly and aimed it toward the noise. The footsteps abruptly stopped, so I quietly followed them into the alley.

"I have a weapon, and I will kill you. Come out, unarmed."

I heard a little shuffling, and then something metal hit the ground. A teenage boy with brightly colored paints all over his face stepped out into the open from behind a wooden pallet. The paint practically glowed in the dim light of the alley. "Alright, ya got me. Now whatchu gonna do to me? Huh?"

"Are you part of the Dorado gang?"

He tilted his head,"Answer my question, first."

"I'm the one with a weapon."

"Eh, no matter to me. And, yes, I am part of Dorado gang. Leader, in fact," the kid shrugged, "And I have you surrounded!" He grinned.

"I call B.S."


"You're probably, what, 14 or 15? And leader of the Dorado gang? Somehow I doubt that." I quickly grabbed his arm and began dragging him back to the meeting point. "Hey! Let go of me!"

Eventually, we made it back to the point. Jesse was there, smoking,"Ah, ya got one, eh?" He grinned and walked toward the kid. "What's your name, kid?"

The kid wrestled a little more with my arm, "Go eat a-"

"Don't sass me," Jesse narrowed his eyes and glared at him.

"Alex. Me llamo Alex."

"Alright, Alex. Where's the rest of your gang?"

"I made an oath I would never- um," Alex sighed and let his head hang,"Abandoned warehouse on the border of Dorado and Castillo. Number 390. 5 miles north of the Castillo town circle."

-Time Skip-

"It's over now. You can relax." Jesse and I finished up the mission successfully and he was currently drinking a glass of whiskey in the kitchen, leaning on the center island.

"I know. I just feel bad for putting a kid in prison. He could have had a wonderful life ahead of him...if only someone had given him the chance."

"You know what I like about you, (Y/n)?" He set the glass down and looked at me intently.


"You see the good in absolutely everythin'. And it kills you to see that you can't do nothin' about it. But at the same time, you know you have to be a little mean. You're kinda like...whiskey. Smooth, yet hard. Plus, I like whiskey. A lot." He took another shot of it and smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Well, you know what I like about you?"

"What's that?"

"You piece people together like a puzzle, Jesse. You figure them out almost effortlessly."

"Aw, 'm flattered." He began to pour himself another drink but I stopped him quickly. "Jesse, are you trying to get drunk? Geez," I laughed, but I was partly serious.

"I've got a high tolerance," he retorted. We carried on a nice conversation for a whole hour, telling stories and laughing at each other. Other people filtered in and out of the kitchen, grabbing snacks and such for themselves, Hana was there a few times, actually.

Finally, we ran out of things to say, so we just sat there in a comfortable silence. The both of us just looking at each other's faces.

"MCCREE AND (Y/N) SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-" Tracer burst into the kitchen, screaming.

"TRACER, NO-" Soldier 76 came in after her and put her in a chokehold, dragging her back out.

Jesse and I watched, laughing until our sides hurt. It took us a while to calm down, but once we did, Jesse started messing with his hat again,"Speakin' of that..." he began to lean closer to me.

Faint yelling could be heard in the background, Tracer and Soldier were still wrestling.

I began leaning in, too, and started to close my eyes. The very last second before our lips met, I jumped off my chair and began running away, laughing.

"Hey-" Jesse came after me, also laughing. The both of us weaved between furniture and people in the corridors, dodging them like pros (I mean, we are pros). Jesse even had to push Reaper out of his way at one point. We circled around base once or twice, but he finally caught me in the middle of corridor outside the training rooms. He got close enough to wrap his arms around my waist and lift me up. We were both extremely tired, so when he let me go, we immediately sat down on the floor.

It was very quiet between us until we both had caught our breath. Jesse wiped some sweat off his forehead and looked over at me, who was doing the same. "Can I kiss ya now?"

"Yes, you can." I smiled and let him pull me closer. Our lips met, and Jesse didn't intend to let them separate. I had to pull away for some air before laughing again. "Too much for ya, darlin'?"

"No. It's just right," I grinned at him, feeling the fabric of his serape.

"I dunno about you, but I could go for another kis-"

Reaper materialized behind Jesse and tackled him. "I'LL HAVE YOUR EYES GOUGED OUT FOR PUSHING ME LIKE THAT!"

How I love this place, this team, and how I love Jesse McCree.

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