McCree x Child! Reader (request)

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A/N: BLESS Donnie-Lover21

"Hey, Strike Commander?"

"Is there a problem, Jesse?"

"Uh, there's a kid here."

"A what?!"

"A kid. Do I need to spell it for ya?"


"Juss get over here." The cowboy guy took his hand away from the talking earpiece. He then held a hand down to me, tears streaming from my eyes silently. "You okay, kid?"

I just nodded and wrapped my arms around the cowboy's shoulders,"I thought cowboys were only in stories..."

"Ah, well, I guess I'm livin' proof that they're real, huh?" He chuckled at me and ruffled my already tangled hair.

"What's your name?" I sniffled.

"I'm Jesse McCree. What's your name?"

"(Y/n). Are my parents going to wake up?" My parents were leaned up against a wall, sleeping, I think. But whenever I tried to wake them up, they wouldn't budge. I was afraid they would never wake up again...

"Well, honey..." Jesse started. An old man with a cool mask and a red, white, and blue jacket jogged toward us, "You were serious-"

"Ya think I would joke about this?" Jesse asked angrily. It kind of startled me. The old man sighed and put his hand to his ear, "Mercy, there's a child over here. Parents are dead. We'll be coming to the ship soon."

"DEAD?!" I yelled, beginning to panic, "No they're not! They're napping!"

"Really, Jack?" Jesse glared at him,"(Y/n), look... he's right. He didn't have to state it so bluntly...I'm sorry, kid." I sobbed into Cowboy Jesse's shoulder, "They aren't dead!"

"Hey, hey, listen. Do you have any other family, (Y/n)?"

I shook my head, still holding on to him. "I can stay here, Im old enough-"

"Ohhh, no you're not. It's dangerous here. Come with me." Jesse lifted me up so that I was on his back. We then walked for about 10 minutes back to a huge jet. The whole time, I rested my head on Jesse's shoulder, crying quietly.

We boarded the jet, and absolutely everyone looked at us. A woman with beautiful white-blonde hair ran over and took me in her arms, "Oh, you poor child." She held me close, almost as if she were my mother. Her arms around me felt warm and very comfortable... and I was absolutely exhausted. Within the minute, I had fallen asleep.

When I woke up, the sun was beaming through the windows of the room I was in. Jesse and the woman who held me yesterday were standing next to the bed, talking quietly. I pretended to sleep to listen to their conversation.

"...I would never let her stay at an orphanage, even if I hardly know her. She's what, five? Mm-mm."

"I wouldn't either, Jesse. She'll just have to stay here. (Y/n) is attached to you, now. So, technically, she's your responsibility. I will definitely help, though."

"Fair enough," he paused and the room became silent, "Gosh...poor kid. Should I wake her up?"

"Let her rest. It's been rough for her. Now, I have some work to do, but I'll talk to Jack to see if he'd contribute to helping. Kids are a huge responsibility."

"Alright, thank you, Angela."

-time skip a few years-

"Gotcha!" Jesse finally caught me! We were running around base and he was trying to catch me. I outran him many times! He tickled my sides as I rolled around on the floor, attempting to push his hands away, "I'M GONNA PEE, STOP!"

"Alright, alright, I'm done now." We both laughed and he helped me back up.

"I'm hungry."

Soldier 76 just happened to be walking by, "Hi hungry, I'm Soldier 76."

"I'm going to stuff you in the crust."


"Jesse taught me that!" I announced proudly, "He told me to say it to you when you make me mad so it would confuse you because you're old and old brains don't work as well as ours!"

"Are you serious?"

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was aggravated. Jesse just shrugged and picked me up again. "Let's go eat, (Y/n)."


A/n: Alrighty! That was pretty heckin short but I kinda liked it. It was too sad in the beginning so I tried to lighten the mood at the end there! I really hope you liked this, and remember to leave requests because I won't do anything unless I have motivation!  :D

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