Jack/Soldier 76 x Reader (ANGST)

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Part One.


A/N: This is placed back before Jack faked his death! AND- BIG ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END OF THIS (if you like Soldier 76/Jack Morrison)!!!! Major angst, but no death (no worries 😂) TW: Blood

One look. One icy, blue look from his eyes is all it took for me to fall for him.

"Jack, I swear! If you ac-"

"I know what I'm doing, don't worry," he stated calmly, almost as if weren't in the middle of an omnic war. At the moment, we were ducked behind a small, crumbling building, fighting a minor omnic troop sent to destroy what was left of this little town. But they ran into Jack and I, trying to search for any possible survivors. Explosions in the distance shook the structure, causing little stones to fall over our heads.
"Jack, you're going to get hurt. Please-" I fiercely whispered. His plan was to run out in the open to catch the omnics attention while I planted a bomb behind them. We were basically doing the job for the omnics... destroying the little town.
He placed the small, but heavy bomb in my hands, "I'll be fine. I'll do my part and you'll do yours, okay?"

"What's the point of this? There's no one left here."

"We're blowing up a troop. Its a minor setback for the omnics if a troop is down. The world needs every tiny scrap of help they can get against these guys, " He cocked his pulse rifle and looked into my eyes, "On my signal, get on the move. Take out any stragglers as quietly as possible and plant the bomb wherever you think it should go. I'm trusting your judgement on that. And, please, stay safe, (Y/N)." As much as I didn't want to, I had to follow through... for Jack. Biting my tongue, I nodded.

He held up three gloved fingers.
One down.
Two down.

Three down.

He was off. He sprinted straight into a wide opening which used to be a town plaza. A moment later, I quietly ran down some mossy alleyways, being careful not to slip. My feet glided across the cracked stone, abruptly stopping when I saw a big group of omnics. They were marching in sync toward the plaza, growing closer and closer with each metal step. About 50 feet ahead of them was an arch that was an old entrance to the plaza. That's where the bomb went. It was risky, but if it worked, it would terminate the whole troop.

I started into a dead sprint toward the arch, catching the attention of a few omnics. They raised their guns just as I set off the 4 second timer for the bomb. I glanced where Jack was, but I didn't see him. He must have taken cover, and that meant I had to do the same. I ducked behind a big boulder and held my hands to my ears, also putting my head between my knees, just as the explosion violently threw the machines in the air, tearing them to metal scraps. Small rocks hit every wall in the area and trillions of dust particles fell silently around me. I waited a few moments before unfolding myself and checking for injuries. Nothing hurt, no numbness, so I was in check. Now, what about Jack?

"Jack?" I called out.


No! No, no, no!

I yelled out louder, "Jack!" My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I ignored the sound of my heart pumping in my ears. With wide eyes, I scanned the area, looking for his royal blue coat. A tiny scrap of blue was exposed in the ruins of what was possibly a tavern. I ran towards it, careful of the sharp metal scraps scattered on the rock below my feet.

It was him. "Jack-"

The majority of his face was caked with fresh blood, it was trickling down his chin and covering his neck, too. The collar of his coat and shirt were stained a deep red as he leaned against the cold, mossy wall with his eyes closed. I used my fingertips to carefully feel along his neck to make sure there were no injuries there. Thank God, there weren't any! I tore off a piece of my windbreaker to clean the blood off of his face so I could clearly see where the injury was to treat it (I wasn't a healer, but first aid knowledge is required in Overwatch). As I was wiping away the red, I was also wiping away my tears, praying he would be fine.

His eyes flickered open. Just like an icy light bulb. He winced immediately, bringing a hand up toward his face. I caught his wrist and let out a small sob. He will be okay. He will.

"(Y/N), you're an idiot."

"I know- stop moving! It'll hurt more!" I huffed and used my cleanest hand to wipe a few tears from my face.

Jack had two cuts. One from just above his eyebrow to the other side of his nose and one over his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath as I cleaned off as much blood as I could. I tossed the cloth aside and examined the crappy first aid I attempted. "I'm going to call HQ and get the ship out here. Are you injured anywhere else?"

"Mm," he groaned painfully, "Don't think so." I could tell he was upset that someone had to take care of him. I nodded and stood up, brushing off any dust on my pants. I held my arms down to him and helped him stand on his feet. Putting a hand up to my earpiece, I called HQ. Immediately, Captain Amari spoke, " (Y/N), did something happen?" There was a hint of panic in her voice. "Yeah, Jack is injur-"

"I'm fine! Its just a scratch." He spit blood on the ground, regretting it as the burning sensation pricked all over his face.

"Jack has a minor injury and we need the ship."

Captain Amari barked orders at everyone she was in the room with. She treated Jack like her own son, even though she was only a few years older. "Winston, get the ship started! Angela, we need you, too! Kid- Jesse- whoever you are, stop moping around and get on that darned ship!"

Jack gave a small smile, even though it caused him great pain. Even when he's covered in blood and in immense pain, he seems so collected.

"We'll be there soon, (Y/N)! Listen for us so we can get Jack healed as soon as we land, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," I turned the earpiece off and looked up at Jack. His icy blue eyes locked onto mine and all of a sudden, his pain seemed to subside. Then it clicked.

I'm in love with this guy.

One look. One look from his icy blue eyes is all it took for me to fall for him.


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