16. Puzzled lies (✔)

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I knocked on the door. Ms. Millers came and hurriedly opened the door.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

A look of concern fell over her shoulder. "Are you alright, sweetie?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded, walking past her. The living room was empty. I peeped into the kitchen. Cash was sleeping there, peacefully. Why was he sleeping the kitchen?

"They're upstairs," Ms. Millers said. "Roe?"

"Yes?" I stopped mid-way.

"Eric told us that a man named Rodrigo came." I nodded and waited for her to continue. "Did he say anything else to any of you?"

I shook my head. She could have asked that to Eric too.

"Did you meet him out, while you were gone?"

I shook my head again. I was in no mood of talking. She sighed and let it go. I went upstairs and opened the door to my room. I was hoping of seeing Erin there but the room was empty. I frowned and climbed up my bed. Somewhere deep down, I was relieved that she wasn't here. I just needed some time to gather myself and my scrambled thoughts.

I found my phone near the nightstand. One of them must have brought it up. I smiled and plugged in my earphones. Once my head touched the pillow, all the thoughts that I had locked up unleashed themselves.

I paused suddenly and checked the call log to see if Mom or Dad had returned any of the calls. They hadn't. I sighed and played the music again. The wish to call them died inside me.

My pocket felt heavy and I realized that I still had that can of oeskas with me. I took it out and examined the purple-colored matter. Was it poison? But I remembered Anacia mentioning how it would not harm me, or her, or anyone else except those men. Why?

I spotted my bag on the chair and threw the can at it. It fell on top of it and I tried to relax and go to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, someone screamed. I shot up and looked around. There was nothing. I had imagined it. The conversation that I held with Anacia replayed in my head. She had grown unusually quiet when she found I had 'killed' those men. The thought disturbed me. How could I kill them? It felt wrong. I just stabbed them. It injured them but...did it- No. It did not kill them. I did not kill anyone. I couldn't be a murderer. The idea scared me. I took out my earphones and stopped the music, giving myself enough space to clear my thoughts. They just increased. My head throbbed with pain.

Brody knocked on the door and looked at me. I had forgotten to lock the door. I signaled him to come in.

"Hey," he said. "When did you come?"

"Just now. I wasn't feeling well." His eyes widened and I let out a shaky laugh. "I'm fine, Brody. I just have a headache."

"Something's worrying you, Roe. What is it?"


"Do you think you could lie to me?"

I pretended to roll my eyes but he gave me a flat look. Right, you could not lie to your best friend.

"Eric said that you were worried about your parents," he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Sit," I pointed at the bed. "You're making me feel anxious." He sat. I crossed my arms. Internally, I thanked Eric. Had he not told them, I would have told the truth. Unintentionally, he had helped me. "It's just that I've been trying to call them since morning but they are not picking up,"

He was quiet and looked at me. He didn't believe me an ounce. I exhaled loudly.

"Something else is also up," he said. "You're not yourself since the morning. Did something happen last night?"

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