Chapter 11

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"I was going to ask why you didn't ride the bus, but now I see why," Kaydra smirks at Trevor as I walk over to her and Nikki.

Nikki just stared wide eyed at him, and he smiled with his arm around me. "I heard rumors but I didn't know if they were real or not. They're so real!" Nikki squealed.

"Easy there, Dog Whistle, you're damaging our ear drums and their functionality," Kaydra covers her ear.

Around us people were staring, making me all sorts of uncomfortable.


"Well, today's soccer tryouts, are you planning on playing with us?" Kaydra asks me, ignoring Nikki's plea for a fight.

"Uhm, well I didn't bring any clothes or shoes..."

"You can borrow my extra pair of practice wear!"

"Plus, the gym teacher has some shoes you could use for today, too,"

"Oh, well okay then," I finish with a smile.

The bell rings telling us we have five minutes to get to class. Nikki bravely winks at Trevor after we hug. Kaydra and I hug, saying our goodbyes. Now we were separating from each other. Trevor kept his arm around me until we got to my class. Leo was sitting in his desk staring at us. I glance at Leo.

"Don't worry about him," Trevor puts his hand on my cheek, turning my head to his smile.

I gave a weak smile, "I'm scared..." I whisper.

My boyfriend pulls me into a warm hug. "I'll protect you."

The one minute bell rings, empting the hallway except for us two.

"I promise," He lets me go. I kiss his cheek and go into the class room.

The teacher announces we'll be working on our projects the whole hour. Leo smiles at me. I didn't like it. He comes over and sits in front of me. He grabs my head and strokes the back of it with his calloused thumb. It would have been sweet if he didn't press so hard. Or if he didn't rape me; there's that too.

"Leo, stop." I pull my hand away.

"What's wrong, doll face?"

"Nothing," Lie, "Don't call me doll face, I don't like it," Not a lie.

"Oh?" He raised his brows, "Tell me," he leans too close to me, "What else don't you like?"

Everything about YOU. I want to say but bite my tongue.

The hour went by slow and terrifying. I'd try to work on our project, but he'd interrupt about me going to his house. He kept bringing up the fact that his mom would like to see more of me.

"I'd like to see more of you too," His eyes dip down to my chest as he bites his lip. I feel my eyes widen. "But in a different way than my mom," Well, I hope your mother didn't want see me naked.

The bell rang, dismissing class. Thank the good Lord. I jump up and grab my back pack. Leo grabs my wrist once I'm out the door.

"Oww," I try to free myself.

"No use in fighting it, darling," He tries to kiss my forehead.

I yank my hand free. "Leo, stay away from me." Before he can reach for me again, I whip around. I hit someone's chest. I stumble back, but the person holds me to them.

"What the hell have I told you?!" Trevor steps in front of me.

"What are you talking about? You can have her. She's a stuck up bitch anyways-"

People all gathered as soon as Trevor threw the first punch. Leo was underneath him. Trevor grabbed his shirt and picked him up, then threw his head against the ground.

"She is not a bitch!"

Leo spit up a little blood. Trevor slugged him about three times more. "Do you hear me?!"

This was out of control. The teacher was even afraid to break it up. I pushed through the ring of people to get to my boyfriend.

"Trevor, please. Get up!" I yank on his arm. Trevor punches him once more then stands. He looks at me, breathing heavily.

"W-why'd you do that..?"

He softly takes my hand in his and walks away. The crowd moves, careful not to touch the victor of the battle. We walk out of the building and out to the parking lot.

"Why did you do that?" I squeeze his hand, slightly frustrated.

He looked away then down then at me, tears threatening to stream down his cheeks. "I'm sorry..."

I opened my mouth to speak but he grabbed me into a hug. In my ear he whispered, "You are not a bitch."

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