Chapter 8

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"Oh," My mom looks at Trevor. Actually looks him over, raising an eye brow indicating she liked what she saw. Ewww. Trevor slipped past me and stuck his hand out to my mom.

"Trevor, you don't have to-" I try to stop him.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Trevor." He smiles at my mom. After they shake hands he shakes the other girl's hand too.

She smiled too. "Wow, aren't you polite?"

My mom put her hand on her guest's back, "This is Jordan." Jordan waves but we don't shake hands like Trevor and she did.

"It's nice to meet you," I fake a smile. "If you'll excuse us, we'll be in my room," I say, motioning for Trevor to follow me.

He nods at Jordan and my mom. I lead him down the hall to my room with all the boxes still all over the place.

"Oh, I see... you just moved in?"

"Yeah," I put my bag on the bed.

"You have to let me help you unpack." He smiles and sits about two feet away from me on the bed.

I shook my head, "it's not as fun as you think." He noticed my radio and stood up.

"I know it's not fun." He turned on the radio. It must have turned up in the boxes because it was screaming that static sound. I covered my ears and he turned it down. "That was fun," He chuckled, as he turned the dial to tune the station. The station was the top 40 hits, and I'm guessing it was one of his favorite songs on. He smile widened. He looked over to me.

"C'mere," he waved his hand to himself. "Come dance with me,"

I giggled, "No, I don't dance-Trevor!" He grabbed my hands then pulled me to my feet.

He sang along with the song as he made my arms dance around.

"You're insane, you know that?"

He thought about that, "Uhm... yeah. Yeah, I know." He winked.

"Okay, good," I smiled at him as we danced around my room for the reminder of the song. I could get used to this...


"There!" I smile.

"Completely unpacked," He smiled.

At this point I had my hair in a ponytail and had on a tank top, he still managed to keep on his jacket. "Yup!" I say, "What time is it?"

Trevor checked his phone, "Uhm, seven twenty four."

"Whoa, really?!" Time really does go by fast when you're having fun.

"Mhm," He nodded. "I hope you didn't have much homework."

"I actually don't have any..." My stomach growled,

"You didn't have any dinner, either," We shared a smile. "C'mon." He started towards the front door. I grabbed my jacket. My mom was in the living room drinking some tea, reading a book.

"Hey, mom?" She looked up at me. "Me and Trevor are going to go get something to eat."

"Oh," she smiled like remembered something. She set her book and tea on the table. Out of her purse she got a fifty dollar bill.

"Here, don't let him pay for everything!" She handed me the money.

"Oh," Trevor says remembering something too, "Ruby I was going to ask you something." The fact that he was smiling made my heart skip a beat. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

I could feel my face turning bright red. I wasn't sure how he thought he knew me well enough already. My mom said, "Awwwww!" and clasped her hands together.

"Yeah, I mean, yes. Yes of course," I laugh.

My mom put her hand on my shoulder, "Go to a movie, too." She winked.

We were in the car heading to the Chinese restaurant when he asked me, "Can I hold your hand?" and he stuck his hand out over the console. I said nothing but took his hand. He had rough calluses; it was one thing about him I instantly loved.

After our Chinese date we drove to the movies.

Hand in hand, we walked up to the movie board with titles and show times.

I told him he had to pick, so he picked an action movie. I paid for the tickets before he could get his wallet out. I grab my ticket then handed him his. We got a giant Dr. Pepper drink to share and went off to the theater.

The movie was great, and during it, he put his arm around me.

On the way home he cleared his throat, "You know...I live with my mom too."

I was careful not to ask what happened to his dad, "That's good, is she nice?"

"Well, she's sorta an alcoholic..."

"Oh, my god... I'm so sorry."

He ignored my sympathy, "So was my dad... My dad, uh... he thought it'd be a good idea to get drunk and try to drive home." I did not like where this was going. "Unfortunately... he didn't make it home...A semi crashed into him." I squeezed his hand. He gave me a reassuring smile. "Then my mom drank even more..."

"I'm sorry... About your dad...Were you two close?"

"We were until my brother died. All three of us were close. Really close, you know? That father-son-brother bond." We got to my house, but stayed in the car. "My dad took up drinking to cover up his pain."

I shook my head. "My dad died too..."

He nodded, "I'm sorry..."

I nodded, "Me too..."

We paused, unsure who should apologize next.

"C'mon, I'll walk you to the door."

We got out and went to the porch. The porch light turned on, my mom must have been waiting up. I had been doing nothing but thinking when he was telling me his story. He had been wearing his jacket all night, and with his brothers' death, his fathers' death, and his mothers' addiction to alcohol, there had to some way he relieved his stress. I swallowed hard.

"Can you take off your jacket?" I asked him.

He was a little surprised, "What-"

"Roll up your sleeves." It came out more like a question.

He hesitated, "I don't-"

I reached out to his arms. He quickly wrapped me in a hug, avoiding me looking at his arms.

I tried to pull away, "No. Show me your arms!" I start crying. He didn't. He just hugged me. I smack his back, but nothing made him let go. I gave up, and started crying into his chest. I cried just at the thought of him--...

He wouldn't have, would he?

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